tattoo locations

It seems like almost everyone has skin art these days. Take a look around and you’ll see younger people sporting tattoos more than ever before.

Aside from an increase in popularity in recent years, tattooing as an art form has also evolved. They’ve become more intricate, include bolder colors, and are more innovative than in the past.

But one thing remains the same. Getting one is painful.

Some people enjoy the adrenaline rush associated with getting a tattoo. It’s what keeps them coming back.

Other people – not so much. If you’re one of the many who loves the idea of a beautiful tattoo but fear the painful process, this article is for you.

Let’s have a look at five of the most painful tattoo locations on your body.

1. Ribcage

The ribcage is a great place for a tattoo because there’s so much surface area. For large, detailed landscapes, this is one of the best places on your body.

Unfortunately, it’s considered by many to be one of the most painful places as well. You may be asking yourself why.

The primary reason is that the ribcage has very little fat or muscle to protect you. In addition, the ribcage expands and contracts when you breathe. When you take in air, the skin on your ribcage gets thinner.

The other reason it’s one of the most painful tattoo locations is that it contains a large number of nerve endings. These nerve endings are closer to the surface of the skin around your ribcage than in other parts of your body.

This means that even if you’re a little overweight and have extra padding there, it’s still going to hurt.

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The worst thing about getting a tattoo in an area with many nerve endings is that the pain is constant throughout the session. You may be in for a long few hours in the chair, but you’ll make it.

2. Thigh

Back in the day, thigh tattoos were relatively nonexistent. People tended to concentrate on the arms. Today, this area is very popular for artwork.

Like the ribcage, the thigh offers a lot of real estate for larger pieces. And like the ribcage, it’s one of the more painful tattoo locations.

The femoral and femoral cutaneous nerves have a lot to do with it. These are the two primary nerves in your thighs. They help control the muscles in your legs and contain many smaller nerve pathways.

The inner thigh is the most tender and painful spot. This is a result of these two primary nerves resting in this area. If you want to play it safe, keep everything on the front of your leg.

The backside of your thigh will also bring a good amount of pain. This is due to your sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the human body.

3. Hands and Feet

We grouped the hands and feet together because you’ll feel about the same level of pain. This is because they’re skeletally quite similar.

Your hands and feet both contain very little muscle, fat, and skin to cover the bones. This results in a painful experience when getting tattooed.

Your hands and feet are also where every nerve in your body comes to an end. This means a higher level of pain. Your fingers and palm of your hand are especially sensitive.

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Tattoos on your hands and feet also tend to have a hard time healing. This is probably due to the fact that you use them so much every day. You’ll need to use a product to hydrate and protect your skin during the healing process.

They also tend to need touching up, so you’ll have to ensure the pain more than once.

4. Inner Arm

The arm is the most traditional of all tattoo locations. Full sleeves are now very popular, especially with younger people.

Some areas on your arm are relatively tolerable, but the inner arm is an exception. You can probably guess why.

Both the inner forearm and underarm contain soft tissue that’s filled with nerves. The nerves in these areas are extremely sensitive.

This is also what makes the elbow and surrounding area quite painful as well. The nerve endings in this region are part of the same system of nerves found in the inner arm. However, the skin on your inner arm is much softer than around your elbow.

Many people even opt to get tattooed further up, near the armpits. This is also an extremely painful area due to primary nerves that run the length of your arm. You can simply pinch these areas and feel how much more sensitive they are.

5. Neck

Many people won’t even consider getting a tattoo on their neck. But if you’re hardcore enough to go through with it, you’re going to have to endure some serious pain.

Keep in mind that the level of pain for neck tattoos is directly related to the region of the neck. The sides contain a decent number of nerve endings. This area also contains very little muscle and fat, so it’s going to hurt.

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The front of your neck contains 20 primary nerves which allow you to move your head and also control your sense of smell, taste, and hearing. This is probably the most painful area of the neck for a tattoo.

Of all possible tattoo locations, the neck evokes a very unique and unsettling feeling. When pressure is applied to this area, a survival instinct gets activated in the brain. You may experience a feeling of panic.

For a more tolerable tattoo in this area, opt for the back of the neck. It contains more fat and muscle.

Can You Endure the Most Painful Tattoo Locations?

If you love the idea of getting a tattoo on one of the spots discussed above but are scared of the pain, there are things you can do.

Don’t try to get through the pain by taking painkillers or drinking. This is dangerous and will increase the amount of bleeding during your session.

Some tattoo artists use benzocaine to help relieve pain in extra sensitive areas, so ask about that. You can also keep your sessions short and complete your tattoo in phases. You should also concentrate on your breathing during your session – it’ll be over soon.

For more articles on the art of tattoo, check out our blog today.