Maternity Scrubs

Did you know that around 90% of nurses are women?

Not only does this statistic demonstrate that nursing is a female-dominated field, it also reveals that there are a lot of nurses – right now – who are likely working while pregnant.

At some point, pregnant nurses will have to invest in maternity scrubs. But it’s not only nurses who have to consider this. Dental hygienists, phlebotomists, and various hospital workers also need scrubs.

So, when is the right time for an expecting mother to invest in new scrubs so she can work comfortably?

In this article, we’ll explore 5 signs that indicate when it’s time to make the change into maternity scrubs.

If you’re months away from becoming a mother and also work in a job that requires scrubs, this article is for you!

1. You’ve Developed the Baby Bump

Typically, women start to show a baby bump anywhere between 12 and 16 weeks. Still, not every pregnancy is the same, and neither is every woman’s body. So, it’s actually common for someone to not show until around 20 weeks.

If you’ve started developing your baby bump, this is the most obvious sign that sooner or later, you won’t be able to fit into your clothes.

Have you already called your friends and family to tell them, or have taken pictures of your little bump?

If so, then it’s time to start browsing around for maternity scrubs.

While you still have time to wear your regular scrubs, pretty soon that baby will start growing. And your belly will, of course, grow bigger.

It’s best to have these scrubs ready in your closet as soon as possible. Because there will come a day – very soon – when you’ll be getting ready for a shift, and your regular scrubs will no longer fit.

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2. You’re Gaining Weight

If you’re early in your pregnancy and are still weeks away from developing a baby bump, know this:

Women typically only gain around 2-4 pounds during the first trimester. Come the second trimester, women should be gaining around 1 pound a week.

If you’re already gaining weight, it’s a sign that a baby bump is well on the way. And if that’s the case, then it’s time to start considering maternity scrubs. Because soon, your body will start putting on weight every week – and it will add up.

Doctors typically advise underweight women to put on more than 1 pound a week. If this applies to you, you’re likely to outgrow your clothes more quickly than someone who isn’t underweight.

On the other hand, overweight women may only need to put on between 15 and 25 pounds. Some women may be able to go longer without maternity scrubs. Others may need them by the second trimester.

Again, every woman’s body is unique. But a basic rule of thumb to follow is this:

Once you start putting on weight every week, it’s a sign that you’ll soon outgrow your regular scrubs.

3. You’re Constantly Bloated

What if you’re not putting on weight every week, but the waistbands on your current scrubs feel tight?

Even if the scale isn’t moving, but you feel uncomfortable in your scrubs or even in your street clothes, it’s a sign that you’re bloating. And if you’re bloating, it’s a sign that the embryo in your belly is growing into your little baby.

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Women should typically hold off on buying maternity clothes until they’re well into the second trimester, or at 20 weeks. The reason for this is that women need to gauge how they’re feeling as they come along in the pregnancy.

With that said, there are different maternity clothes at different stages. So, what a woman wears at 20 weeks will be very different than what she has to wear at 38 weeks.

If you’re bloated, you may not need maternity scrubs, per se. However, you may want to consider buying a set of new scrubs in the next size up. That way, you can work more comfortably.

4. Your Feet or Breasts are Swollen

It’s very easy for your feet to ache and swell when you work a job that requires you to be on your feet all day. People who are in a position that requires them to wear scrubs know this all too well.

But when you’re pregnant, the pain of swollen feet is all the more exacerbated. Swollen feet are due to edema. It’s a medical condition that’s caused by fluid buildup in your body’s tissue – and it’s very common in pregnancy.

Women can start to feel the effects of edema as soon as 22 weeks. In later cases, women develop edema around 27 weeks. It will usually last all the way until a woman gives birth.

Swollen, sore breasts are also common in pregnancy. If your feet, ankles, or breasts ache and feel swollen, it’s a sure sign that your body will start changing all the more.

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Not only should you invest in supportive shoes and bras, but maternity scrubs, as well. That way, you can work more comfortably while on your feet all shift.

5. Your Scrubs Don’t Fit

Uh-oh. Have you waited too long to get new scrubs and now, you can’t squeeze into your regular one?

Never fear! There’s no shortage of maternity scrubs because so many women work in the medical field.

You can view here for more information about finding the right scrubs. You can also browse for all styles and colors of scrubs that are perfect for pregnant women!

In the meantime, ask any coworkers who have had children in the last few years. They may be able to lend you the scrubs they wore while pregnant. If you’re able to do this, make sure to wash them thoroughly before your next shift.

Are you in a position where you have to leave your scrubs at the hospital or facility? Call and see if your employer has larger scrubs in the meantime.

Don’t Wait to Get Your Maternity Scrubs

Pregnancy is an exciting experience. But feeling uncomfortable can put a damper on this wonderful time.

If you work in a field that requires scrubs, then you’re more likely to feel uncomfortable than most other women. By investing in maternity scrubs early on, you can feel comfortable throughout the second and third trimesters.

Still, you have to feel as comfortable at home as you do at work. For ideas on how to dress comfortably and stylish during your pregnancy, Styles Wardrobe is here for you!