Hiking Apparel

Hiking is something that seems like a leisurely and enjoyable thing to do at first. It is that way until you find that you’re not wearing the right clothing for the circumstances. 

Planning is what makes hiking enjoyable, and preparing the appropriate hiking apparel is the most important thing. We’re going to take a look at some tips on what to buy for your next hiking trip, giving you all of the information you need to have a great outdoor wardrobe. 

Let’s get started. 

1. Hiking Boots

The first thing on any hiker’s list of clothing should be boots. Regardless of the conditions, boots serve a valuable purpose that applies to all hiking outings. 

For one, boots offer a measure of ankle support that normal shoes cannot. You’ll be walking through roots, rocks, up hills, and down rugged slopes. Those are all opportunities for your ankle to roll and leave you in a dangerous position. 

Further, hiking boots offer traction that’s invaluable in difficult terrain. Try to find a pair of boots that’s waterproof as well, considering wet feet are some of the most uncomfortable things to have when you’re a few miles away from your starting point. 

2. Light Pants

Even in the summer months, a pair of light pants can serve as a great aid when you’re hiking through thick woods or bushes. Most trails are well-kept and don’t require much contact with prickly bushes or trees, but even the best trail will have a stretch that puts you in contact with those things. 

So, having some pants to work with can help you keep your legs free from stick-pricks and scratches from branches. You don’t want the pants to be too warm, though. 

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It’s a good idea to invest in some light and airy pants that allow a little breeze but still offer protection from the elements. 

3. Sun-Protective Shirt

The sunscreen you put on outside the car can easily sweat off after you hike for a few miles. Then, you’re left out in the middle of nowhere in the blistering heat, putting yourself at risk for severe sunburn. 

Even if you’re not getting burnt, protection from the sun can keep you cool and provide a more comfortable hiking experience. One great option to work with is sun-protective shirts and other clothing. 

These help keep the UV rays of the sun off of you and keep your body cool while you go about your day. This is a great option if you plan to hike in desert areas that don’t offer too many chances for shade. 

4. Zip-Off Pants

Zip-off pants might have been a fad a few decades ago, but the fact is that they’re useful when you’re out in nature. 

The elements change, and you might get hot, then cold, then hot again, and so on. 

It’s great to have a pair of pants that can turn into shorts at a moment’s notice. This saves you time changing, and it’s also a good way to save a little space in your backpack. 

5. Bucket Hats

Bucket hats are a great way to keep the perimeter of your neck and head cool. You can use any hat to keep the sun out of your face, but hiking requires that you think about protecting yourself from the sun at all costs and in all areas. 

There are several stylish bucket hats to choose from, and you might even find one that can hold onto some of your smaller camping gear like leathermen and fishing equipment. 

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6. Rain Jacket or Parka

Are you wondering what to wear hiking in the rain?

Rain comes out of the blue sometimes, no matter how many times you check the radar. So, it’s always a good idea to have something in the bag that keeps you dry and warm. 

A light rain jacket will do the trick, and you can supplement the jacket with warmer clothes underneath if the weather starts to get a little chilly. A parka will also do the trick, and you don’t need to invest in a fancy one. 

So long as you have something that can deflect the rain and keep your clothes dry, you’ll be alright. You can even use a garbage bag in a pinch when the rain starts pouring. 

7. A Hiking Backpack

Any hiking trip you go on should include a backpack for your things. It’s unwise to go out into nature without a pack filled with some survival essentials. 

You need some food, some water, and maybe a multi-tool to get you out of tricky situations. The contents of your back should depend on the weather conditions, but you must have one. 

If you invest in a good backpack, you’ll find that it sticks with you for a few years of hiking. The last thing you want is for your bag to break on you while you’re out somewhere. 

So, it’s never a bad idea to spend a little money on a backpack that hangs around for a few years or more. 

8. Region-Specific Clothing

Any hike you go on, make sure that you know the extremes of weather that could happen in that area. Some hiking trails get out into the middle of nowhere, surrounded by miles of national forest. 

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Weather in those areas can be unpredictable. So, be sure to back clothing that will keep you safe in the extremes of whatever’s possible in the place you’re hiking. 

9. Multiple Pairs of Socks

Socks are an essential piece of camping attire. You’ll need socks for your boots, but also beware that things can get really wet, really fast when you’re out in nature.

It’s always a good idea to have an extra pair of socks in your pack. If you can, it might be a good move to bring one extra pair of warm socks and one pair of short ankle socks that are a little cooler. 

10. Wicking Materials

Any clothing that does a good job of wicking will also be a good investment. “Wicking” is when a piece of clothing works to push sweat away from your body. 

A lot of synthetic materials and some forms of wool do a good job of this. This is even true for hikes that you take in the winter, as the sweat that builds up can actually freeze and make things more difficult for you. 

Need More Ideas for Hiking Apparel?

Finding the right hiking apparel is your first step toward a fruitful relationship with hiking. It can be overwhelming to look at all of the products available to you, though. 

We’re here to help you with more ideas to get you going. Explore our site for more insight into hiking, weather conditions, apparel, and much more.