
Eight million people in the U.S. suffer from an eating disorder.

However, 46% of anorexia patients fully recover when they receive treatment. Are you yourself recovering from anorexia?

To remind you of your strength and courage every day, why not consider a tattoo which symbolizes your journey and a new beginning?

In this article we’ll look at 3 beautiful ideas for recovery anorexia tattoos:

1. Write Your Mantra on Your Skin

Throughout your recovery, perhaps a certain phrase has been said to you a lot and helped you focus? For instance, has a caring doctor regularly told you to “stay strong”?

Have you held onto a phrase such as “love yourself’ or “I am good enough”? It’s been proven time and time again that mantras help us calm our minds. Try a phrase such as:

  •  Don’t Let it Win
  • Be Yourself
  • I am Good Enough
  • No One Heals Without a Struggle
  • Make Every Day Count

Perhaps you have used meditation and a mantra to dispel negative thoughts. Don’t forget this mantra when the going gets tough.

Eating disorders can stay with us for a long time, even when we think we’ve pushed them away, it’s possible they may come back.

Having your mantra tattooed somewhere you can see it will remind you that you’re doing well. Look how far you’ve come! Now keep hold of this useful phrase forever.

2. Break Free like a Bird from a Cage

If you prefer symbols rather than words, why not get a tattoo which shows your escape from a mental trap?

For example, a bird flying from a cage is a popular choice amongst those suffering and wishing they were free.

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However, rather than tattooing the trap or cage, consider just tattooing birds which are free to fly and roam as they please.

This tattoo is inconspicuous and, if you don’t want to explain to someone what it means, you don’t have to!

3. The National Eating Disorder Association Symbol

This symbol is one which many people who have recovered from an eating disorder choose. If someone recognizes your tattoo, they will instantly know that you’re an ally.

By choosing this tattoo, you are honoring the great work that NEDA does, letting others know how strong you are and reminding yourself too!

You may choose to have this symbol somewhere discreet just for yourself. Alternatively, you may choose to have it large or on display such as on your hand.

By doing this, you may encourage others to continue their journey or even reach out for eating disorder help.

Demi Lovato herself has this tattoo and uses her position to let others know that they shouldn’t be embarrassed by their past.

Anorexia Tattoos are a Personal Choice

When it comes to choosing the right anorexia tattoos, you should spend a lot of time thinking about what works best for you.

A tattoo is a very personal choice which will remind you of your recovery and symbolize your new beginning. So don’t rush the process.

Finding that these tattoos are not quite right for you and need more inspiration? Check out our dedicated section.