Breast Augmentation Surgery

You’ve considered getting a breast augmentation for a long time. You’ve been thinking about how much better you’ll feel, mentally and physically, once this surgery is complete.

Yet, you’re still nervous. Nervous about the procedure, anxious about your body changing, and choosing the right implant size. You deserve to feel good about who you are and what you look like, especially in this day and age where it’s essential to embrace and celebrate yourself.

Before you begin the process, you will want to learn as much as possible about breast augmentation surgery.

Here’s what every woman should know about breast augmentation surgery.

1. Breast Augmentation Surgery Costs

There are a few things you should keep in mind when considering a breast augmentation surgery price. First, most health insurance plans will not cover the cost since this is cosmetic surgery. This means that you will be responsible for the total cost of the procedure.

Additionally, the cost of breast augmentation surgery can vary depending on the surgeon you choose, the location, and the type of implants used. Be sure to do your research to get an estimate of what the surgery will cost.

2. Breast Augmentation Recovery Time

Breast augmentation surgeries itself is relatively short, typically taking one to two hours. However, you can expect to stay in the hospital for several hours after the surgery to recover.

You will likely experience some pain and swelling after the surgery, which you can control with medication. You will also have drains placed in your breasts to remove excess fluid. These drains will be removed within a week.

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It is essential to take it easy for the first few weeks after surgery and refrain from strenuous activity or lifting heavy objects. Most patients can return to work and their normal activities within two to three weeks.

3. Risks and Complications Associated With Breast Augmentation Surgery

There are certain risks and complications associated with breast augmentation surgery that you should be aware of before considering the procedure. These include infection, bleeding, capsular contracture, and implant rupture.

While the vast majority of women who undergo breast augmentation surgery do not experience any serious complications, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved. Be sure to discuss the potential risks and complications with your plastic surgeon before surgery.

If you want something with fewer risks and recovery time, you can consider a breast lift by Dr. Nitin Engineer.

Do What’s Best For Your Body With The Right Preparations

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that can help women achieve their desired look. It is essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that you are a good candidate for the surgery.

The surgeon will be able to help you choose the right implant size and type for your body and your desired look. Recovery from breast augmentation surgery is usually quick and easy, and most women are happy with their results.

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