Lab Grown Diamonds for Your Engagement Ring

Did you know that millennials and younger generations are not buying diamonds nearly as often? From engagement rings to necklaces and bracelets, diamonds seem out of reach for many millennial consumers with tighter budgets.

Have you ever thought about lab grown diamonds rather than natural diamonds as one of your jewelry options? Here are some of the perks of lab grown diamonds for engagement rings.

1. Save Your Money

Engagement rings with natural diamonds can cost thousands of dollars. However, lab grown diamonds are one of the more affordable jewelry options for the same look and feel as real diamonds.

You may be able to upgrade the diamond for your engagement ring by purchasing a lab grown diamond. You will get a larger, more brilliant stone for the same price as a smaller natural diamond.

If you end up saving money on your lab grown diamonds, you can put that money towards another large purchase, such as a down payment for a house or your dream wedding.

2. A More Ethical Option

Natural diamonds have a conflicted history of violence and slave labor, which does not sit well with many buyers. You can purchase ethically-sourced diamonds, but they tend to be more expensive. There is also no guarantee that the entire production of the diamond was ethical, as it could still be a blood diamond.

However, lab grown diamonds are completely synthetic, so you know exactly where they came from. You do not have to worry about trying to trace the origins of a diamond to make sure that it fits your values.

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3. Identical to Diamonds in Appearance

Many people cannot tell the difference between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds. In fact, the production process for them is identical. Lab grown diamonds replicate the cut of natural diamonds.

When it comes to lawlessness, lab grown diamonds are actually more perfect than natural diamonds. This is because they are made in a very controlled environment, rather than under pressure in the earth. Read more about lab grown diamonds to learn about how they are a great duplicate of natural diamonds.

4. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

Lab grown diamonds are one of the most environmentally friendly jewelry options out there. It takes an incredible amount of power and labor to extract natural diamonds from the earth.

Although lab grown diamonds are not completely sustainable, they use much less power than regular diamonds. You can also find a company that has a green production process to fit your values.

Consider Lab Grown Diamonds Today

If you want a sparkling gem on your finger, you should not have to worry about getting a natural diamond. With lab grown diamonds, you can achieve the same look and feel of a natural diamond with so many added benefits.

Would you like to learn about more ways that you can cut costs on your big purchases? Check out our site for more money-saving tips and tricks.