
Do you spend a lot of money on products to enhance your eyebrows?

In the age of Instagram models with perfectly arched eyebrows, you may be wondering how you can achieve those same results. If you’re currently using pencils and pomades, but would prefer a longer lasting effect for your eyebrows, the answer is microblading!

If you’re wondering, “What is microblading?” it is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that adds pigment to your eyebrows, thus enhancing their color and shape.

Here are some benefits of microblading you may not know about.

1. Saves You Time

Putting on makeup each morning can turn into a lengthy process. Eyebrows can take an especially long time to sculpt because you have to fill in your brows, pay special attention to sparse areas, and set the individual hairs with gel.

You can skip this process altogether if you get Microblading!

Microblading also lasts for up to three years, so you’ll be saving yourself a lot of time for the years to come!

2. Can Save You Money

We can spend a lot of money on makeup over the course of three years. If you find a lot of your money goes toward eyebrow pencils, pomades, and gels, microblading may be a worthwhile investment! Microblading will also give you waterproof brows, so you won’t have to reapply product each time you swim, work out, or get caught in the rain.

Though microblading can appear to be expensive up front, it can save you money in the long run.

3. Simple Procedure

If you find yourself wondering, “Is microblading safe?” you have nothing to worry about! Microblading technicians must go through proper training and, in many cases, obtain proper certification.

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Not only is the procedure safe, it’s also quick and near painless. The procedure may take around two hours, but recovery time is minimal. Your microblading practitioner will use a numbing cream on your eyebrows before beginning the procedure, so you won’t have to worry about pain!

4. Looks Natural

We know what happens when we use too many products in our brows or apply with a heavy hand: the dreaded eyebrow blocks!

Microblading mimics the look of natural hair to give you a fuller brow. The microblading process gives the impression of eyebrow hairs growing in tandem with the rest of your real hairs, without looking like makeup was used to achieve the look.

5. It’s Semi-Permanent

Since microblading wears off, you don’t have to worry about the kind of commitment that comes with getting a regular tattoo. If you eventually decide you don’t like your microblading, you can let it wear off or cover it with your old eyebrow makeup products.

You can also change your shape at your next microblading appointment if you want to change your style or if eyebrow trends have changed!

Benefits of Microblading for Perfect Brows

If having eyebrows that enhance your facial features wasn’t enough, you can also expect these benefits of microblading. Now you can make a more informed decision when you ask, “Should I get microblading?”

Be sure to check back regularly for more beauty tips!