Blackhead Clearing

It’s estimated that almost 10% of people in the world get acne. “Acne” might have you thinking of big red pimples with pus, but blackheads are a type of acne as well.

Blackheads are smaller but still cause imperfections in your skin, especially since they’re filled with excess oil and dead skin.

So how can you clear these up so your skin looks radiant? Read for five steps to add to your skincare routine to get optimal blackhead clearing!

1. Cleanse at Least Twice a Day

Considering that blackheads are a buildup of excess oil and dead skin, it’s important to cleanse your face at least twice a day. The more you clean, the less the buildup, after all!

Just make sure you don’t go overboard, as this can irritate your skin. Just once when you wake up and again before you sleep should be enough for most people.

2. Use Cleansers With Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a chemical exfoliant and it’s great for mild blackheads. When buying a blackhead clearing scrub, check the ingredients for this.

Another chemical exfoliant that’s good for blackheads is glycolic acid, so products with this acid are optimal too.

3. Add a Retinoid Cream

If you’ve got stubbornly clogged pores and your blackheads are bad, then adding a retinoid cream can make a big difference. This is one of the best blackhead clearing products since retinoid provides several benefits.

One, retinoids reduce the stickiness of the oils and dead skin that clog your pores, which means they’re lifted out more easily. Also, retinoids help your skin regenerate quicker, so those pesky contaminants are flushed out faster as well.

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4. Moisturize

Using all these cleansers can help blackheads, but they can dry out your skin as well. Moisturizing is vital in any skincare routine, so if you don’t already have this step, you need to add it pronto!

Applying moisturizers can help maintain a good balance for your skin so you can continue using heavy-duty blackhead clearing products without drying out your skin too much.

5. Bring in the Big Guns

Sometimes, blackhead cases can be so severe that normal products and skincare routines won’t make a dent. In this case, you’ll have to bring in the big guns.

You can see your doctor to discuss your options for oral acne medication. They can also prescribe you a stronger retinoid cream.

Or you can get a procedure done called the vampire procedure, or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, which can help not just acne, but also your overall skin condition and hair.

Good Luck With Blackhead Clearing

Blackhead clearing can be tough to nail down, especially if you’ve got a bad case. But if you follow our tips and see the doctor when needed, you’ll be able to get the beautiful skin you’ve always wanted!

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