Woman Sleeping

Let’s face it. We’re all obsessed with getting to the morning rise level Beyonce sings about. ‘I woke up like this’ is the anthem and goal of women everywhere but is it actually attainable?

With a consistent good night’s sleep, not only will we feel internal benefits, but we will see the visible external benefits. ‘Getting beauty sleep’ is more than an old wives’ tale. Good sleep is linked to brighter skin and better health, so follow these 5 beauty sleep tips to help!

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: The #1 Beauty Sleep Trick

Water has so many amazing benefits, & sleep is definitely one of them! Skip (or at least limit) the amount of caffeine you have throughout the day and swap it in for water. Keeping your body well oiled with H20 aid in keeping your body functioning at its best, and keeping your skin glowing and clear.

2. Establish a Beauty Sleep Routine

We are true creatures of habit and an established sleep routine helps communicate to your body when it’s time to hit the hay.

A routine starts at getting into bed and waking up at or near the same time every day. This will help your body get into the habit of a consistent sleep cycle and therefore know when it can work its nighttime magic.

3. Invest In A Good Pillow

Whether you’re a back, side, or stomach sleeper your pillow will make or break your rest so it’s important you have the right one.

Consider spending a bit more coin for the right support and angle, like a pillow, that helps with maintaining good neck support, keeping your airways open, and coveted memory foam that relieves any strain and pressure points that arise while catching your z’s.

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4. Turn Out The (Blue) Lights

There are many reasons why blue light is harmful to you and your precious rest. It disrupts your natural sleep and wake cycle, blocks natural melatonin release, and takes you way longer to fall asleep.

Try to spend the last 1-2 hours before bed unplugged from your tv or phone. Try reading, meditating, or journaling instead.

5. Move Your Body

Exercise is important and is well known as a powerful remedy for those who have difficulty falling asleep. Spending a minimum of 30 minutes a day moving and elevating your heart rate, you will see the benefit of better quality sleep & an easier time falling asleep.

Try going out for a walk around the block, take up running, yoga, or lifting weights, and just watch the magic happen. Remember to talk to your doctor for activity recommendations if needed.

You Glow Glen Coco!

These beauty sleep tips and tricks aren’t rocket science. Rest assured that following these beauty tips will get you closer to telling the world ‘I woke up like this’ with a healthy glow and a restful night’s sleep.

Check out the blog for more beauty tips to get you rising and shining throughout the day.