Ways to Restore Hair

It’s quite normal for a human to shed between 50 to 100 hairs in a single day. When they don’t replenish quickly enough, hair starts to thin, and in severe cases, baldness can occur. Yet, do you know how you can combat this?

There are several treatments you can try that don’t involve surgery. Read on as we give our 5 ways of how to restore hair. 

1. Hair Extension

The hair extension is normally associated with being a wholly cosmetic procedure, allowing you to have longer styles and cuts. It works by adding strands of hair to ones that already exist, giving more length. However, it’s now becoming accepted as a method to restore hair that’s thinned. 

A quality company that provides hair extensions and styles will be able to make extensions look very natural. You’ll have long, thick hair and will get the style you want. 

2. Custom Hairpiece

Wearing a hairpiece often comes with bad connotations. Ill-fitting, unnatural-looking wigs have placed hairpieces at the back of most people’s thoughts when it comes to hair restoration. Yet, they have a number of benefits. 

Firstly, you don’t need surgery or expensive procedures. Many hairpieces can now be expertly fitted and look very natural. In most cases, you wouldn’t even know the difference between the hairpiece and natural hair itself!

3. Microneedling

Microneedling has been used for many years to treat scars and wrinkles. However, it’s now a well-respected treatment for hair restoration. It involves using a roller across the top of the scalp, which causes very slight micro-wounds to the head. 

When the skin is damaged, it has 3 cycles: inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. All of these work together to trigger the formation of new cells, which can stimulate hair growth. 

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4. Medication

There are currently only 2 medications for hair loss approved by the Federal Drugs Administration (FDA): Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Minoxidil is preferred by many, as it has fewer side effects. Originally intended as a way to treat ulcers, Minoxidil stimulating hair growth was an unexpected benefit.

Finasteride treats the problem directly, but is a DHT blocker and can have sexually-related side effects. 

5. Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a new treatment that targets the anagen phase of hair follicles. Numerous hair specialist clinics offer the process. You can also do it at home with the help of special combs and helmets.

Both methods have had positive results in men and women. The laser comb has even been approved by the FDA, showing it does work. You can buy the products online for a reasonable price.

Helping to Restore Hair

These tips to restore hair will work better if you combine them with a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you have a diet rich in vitamins and do exercise. Take care of your mental health, as well as physical. 

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