Woman Working Out Outdoors

Did you know that gymnastics dates back to the Greek civilization? Do you enjoy gymnastics, or always wanted to try and are looking for a way to incorporate it into your workout?

In this article, explore the top ways to add gymnastics to your workout. So split, twirl, jump, and read on to learn how you can incorporate different moves into your normal workout today.

Why Do Gymnastics?

Since gymnastics is an anaerobic sport (without oxygen), this means that you’ll build up your ability to do aerobic (with oxygen) exercises with ease. Not only will you improve your flexibility, but your strength as well.

In this sport, you can experience a variety in your workouts. When you think of long-distance running, it’s mundane, and not much variety in comparison. Whether you’re short or tall, gymnastics is one of the few sports where you’ll see many who are smallerĀ in stature.

1. Invert Leg Stretch

Grab your gymnastics mat, and get ready to do this less instance gymnastics move. This exercise is for you if you’re looking to improve your mobility.

First, make sure that you’re standing. Have your feet go out a bit past shoulder width. The foot you’re reaching for, use the same hand on that side.

Touch your foot, and ensure that your opposite arm goes over your head. Try to keep your legs as straight as possible. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds per leg.

While doing this exercise, ensure that your chest isn’t pointed to the ground. Keep your chest open. Think of the position of your body doing a cartwheel for reference.

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2. Hollow Body Hold

This is where you’ll hold your abdominal muscles, and have complete body tension. When you’re stable in this position, you’ll be able to switch your force between your lower and upper body. This will build your endurance, meaning you can flip, run, and jump quicker.

First, lay down on your gymnastics mat on your back. Have your arms over your head, and your legs together. You’ll want to lift your legs, shoulders, and head while contracting your leg muscles.

Think of making your body into a crescent roll shape. Try to do this position for 30 seconds. When you have this position in place for at least 30 seconds, you can start rocking back and forth in this position.

When you first begin, ensure that you’re doing small and slow movements, you can increase over time. Ensure that you’re keeping your muscles squeezing the entire time during this move.

3. L-Seat

The L-seat is done on gymnastic rings. This is where your lats, hip flexors, triceps, and abdomen will be working together. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds to obtain a strong abdomen.

You’ll need gymnastics equipment for this workout, known as the parallel bars. If you don’t have these, you can use hexagonal dumbbells.

Pull your shoulders down, and keep them away from your ears. Straighten your arms during this move.

Keep your knees bent toward your chest, and have your glutes and legs lift off the floor. Keep them even with your hips.

After 20-30 seconds, you can lower your body back down. When you can hold this for 20-30 seconds, you can start extending your legs out in front of you and hold them in this position.

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4. Forward Roll

If you’re looking to improve your body control and spatial awareness, incorporate forward rolls into your workout. First, have your gymnastics mat ready. Next, have your hands on the floor a bit wider apart than your shoulders, in front of you.

Place your head in the middle of your hands, and push your feet off the floor. Your hips will go over your head. You can then use your hands to stand onto your feet.

5. Handstand Shoulder Taps

Whether you have a gymnastics background or not, handstand shoulder taps are a great beginner option. You’ll be more comfortable upside down due to this workout. You’ll be able to master other handstand moves after this.

First, start in a downward dog motion. Next, have your feet on a bench/box/etc. The higher you place your feet, the harder it’ll be. With practice, you can do a full handstand.

The only parts of your body that should move are your hands. Never let your hips shift. This will help improve your stability in your shoulders.

When you’re ready to begin, make sure that your feet are a bit further apart than shoulder-width distance. Have your hands under your shoulders.

Next, push both of your arms. You can also practice with shifting each arm one at a time.

Just make sure to alternate which arm is pushing. You’ll want to do 5-8 taps per arm. When you become more experienced, you can do 10 taps per arm.

6. Pull Up

In order to become a pro at a pull-up, practice makes perfect. It’s not just about lifting weights and pulling yourself up.

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Ensure that you practice lifting weights as well to master this skill. You’ll need a pull-up bar or other bar to lift yourself up with. Have your legs extended out, and pull your chin up over the bar with your arms only.

Exploring How To Incorporate Gymnastics Into Your Workout

Now that you’ve learned how to incorporate gymnastics in your workout, you should be well on your way to a more flexible, and steady body placement. Would you like to read more lifestyle content? For everything from outfits to glamour, check out our other articles today.