childrens clothing sizes

Children seem to grow in a blink of an eye. Nowhere can this be more apparent than with the fit of their clothes.

Growing out of clothes means constantly going to buy new ones, but then that’s when it can become confusing. Children’s clothing sizes can be inconsistent. They can even have features you’re unaware of.

So what’s a parent to do? How can you figure out the puzzle of your child’s perfect clothing size and make sure you’re getting them exactly what they need?

Knowing a few hacks can help make the confusion of clothes shopping much easier on you and your wallet. Let’s discuss 6 things you didn’t know about children’s clothing sizes and how you can use it to go shop now with confidence.

Baby Clothing Sizes

Baby clothing sizes are based on age in months. They range from newborn, 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, 12-18 months, and 18-24 months.

Age and Size May Not Be the Same Thing

It may seem clear-cut… you buy the clothing size that corresponds to your child’s age. If only it was that easy.

Baby sizes are based on an average size in that stage of development. So if your child is on the smaller or larger range, the size will no longer correlate to age anymore.

Also, when the size is grouped in a span of months like that, the size will land on the higher end of that time frame. For example, if you’re buying a 3-6 month size, the clothing is made to fit a 6-month-old.

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So take into account your baby’s development stage when deciding which size to buy. And if your baby is towards the higher end of a size span, it’s best to buy a size up. For a 6-month-old, buying a 9-12 month size will ensure they can wear the clothing for a longer period of time, which saves you money in the long run.

Don’t Buy Too Much Too Soon

With a new baby, it may be tempting to buy every cute little outfit or designer label you lay eyes on, especially before he or she is born. But think twice before you do that. You could be sinking more money into clothes than you should.

Babies, obviously, come in all shapes and sizes. And until you know where your child falls into the size range, it’s best to buy only a few outfits at first.

A larger baby at birth will only be able to wear a newborn size for a very short period of time, if at all. Buying a bunch of newborn sizes could leave you with more clothes than you need.

Toddler Clothing Sizes

Toddler clothing sizes will be based on age in years and have a T attached to indicate it’s for toddlers. Their size ranges are 2T, 3T, and 4T.

24 Month and 2T Are Not Created Equal

Even though 24M and 2T both are technically meant for 2-year-olds, you may notice that they do not fit your 2-year-old the same at all. And there’s a good reason for that.

At age 2, toddlers usually fall into one of two categories. One group may still have their “baby weight” still on and wear diapers, while the other group has thinned out and are potty-training. The two different sizes are meant to accommodate these two different stages of development.

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24M will be a bit wider to better fit around a diaper and the baby weight. 2T will be slimmer and fit longer in the torso. The size your child will need depends on where they are in their development.

Safety First

Parents can spend a lot of time and money baby proofing a house and researching the safest toys and equipment. But I bet thinking about safety in the clothes you buy hasn’t really crossed your mind, right?

Toddlers are curious creatures. Any button, loose ribbon, or the like on an article of clothing can be tempting for them to pull on, have it come loose, and they can put it in their mouths. It then becomes a choking hazard.

Any long scarf or drawstring on a jacket or pants can create a strangulation hazard.

So keep this in mind when shopping for your toddler. Clothing that is simple, easy to get in and out of, and don’t have any embellishments that can cause a safety issue is best for baby.

Children’s Clothing Sizes

Children’s clothing sizes are also based on age by year, but the T is dropped. Children sizes range from 4, 5, 6, 6x (girls), 7 (boys).

Boys and Girls Sizes Are the Same… at First

As with baby and toddler sizes, children’s clothing sizes will run the same for both boys and girls. However, this is the last stage of that occurring.

You can even start to see that in the largest of the children’s sizes, 6x and 7. The 6x is meant for girls and is used as a half size before they enter the big girls/juniors sizes. While the boys don’t have a half size and go straight into the big boy sizes.

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The Difference Between Letters and Numbers

It might seem confusing to have a number size for some clothing and a letter size for others. Why can’t they use the same size label for everything? Well, there happens to be a very good reason for this.

Number sizing is made for clothing that is meant to be a bit more fitted to the individual. These would include jeans, a fitted waistline, dresses, or anything else that would conform to a body shape.

Letter sizing is for clothing that is loose, knitted, or has some stretch to it. A looser fit doesn’t need to be as exact, so it can cover a wider range of sizes.

Clothing Hacks to the Rescue

Now that you know some tricks behind how to shop for children’s clothing sizes, you can go to the store with confidence that you are buying them clothes that will fit and will last. Your children and your wallet will thank you.

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