Tips for Flirting with Your Crush

Did you know studies have shown men have a hard time picking out when a woman is flirting with him?

Getting your crush’s attention isn’t as easy as a quick smile anymore. You need to do more to show your interest and hope to take things to the next level.

Continue reading to learn seven tips for absolute beginners to try out so you can give your crush a clue you’re into them.

1. Be Confident

Even if you’re new to dating, acting confident is key. Confidence is attractive and will make it easier to signal your interest without giving mixed signals on accident.

2. Don’t Forget to Smile

If you’re looking for flirting help, the most simple thing you can do is put a smile on your face whenever you’re around the person you like. Genuine smiles show them you enjoy being around them, which is the first step to moving things along.

3. Tease Them

Remember the childhood saying if someone is mean to you, it’s because they like you? While you know that’s not true as an adult; some light teasing can go a long way.

Be sure to keep the teasing playful, so you don’t end up offending them.

4. Give Genuine Compliments

Everyone appreciates a nice compliment. No matter what you choose to compliment them on, try to show you genuinely mean it.

When people notice you paying them compliments, if you don’t do it often, it stands out.

5. Flirt Over Text

If you need dating help because you’re too shy in person to make any moves, try flirting over text.

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You can be a little bolder with your word choice, use the winking emoji, or ask playful questions to show your interest and learn more about your crush.

6. Physical Contact

Even brief physical contact can feel like a big deal when you’re new to dating.

Throwing in a touch of the arm when they tell a good joke and hugging them hello and goodbye are two examples of physical contact you can try without feeling too overwhelmed.

7. Eye Contact

Eye contact has a significant impact on how we connect with people. If you look into a person’s eyes, it’s a very personal and intimate experience.

If you feel ready to take flirting to the next step with a kiss, focusing on their lips for a moment can provide a hint of your interest.

Above all, try using your eyes to tell the person how you feel without needing to say a word.

Impress Your Crush With These Flirting Skills

Flirting means different things to different people, but the seven flirting tips mentioned here are all universally known tactics to show interest.

If you implement a few of the actions here, your crush should take the hint in no time. After that, who knows where things will go from there?

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