Tips for healthy hair

We all want the long, luscious locks of a Disney Princess. Hair that feels and looks as if we just left the hairdresser’s chair.

But in real life, achieving that look on a daily basis can be a real struggle. The constraints of a busy schedule combined with an overload of hair care make it difficult to get the look we’re after.

So what are the best tips for healthy hair? Ones that will blend into any lifestyle and hair type?

Let’s look at seven incredible tips anyone can use to get strong, thick hair:

1. Protect Your Locks

Heat, sun, dirt, pollution… they are all elements waiting to wreak havoc on your strands. And exposure to any one of them will cause drying of your scalp and hair, dirt buildup, and increased risk of scalp infections.

Covering your hair with a hat, umbrella, or scarf when you’re outdoors will protect it from any environmental factors that may cause damage.

Most importantly, avoid using heat. As much as we all love to create waves or straighten our hair, mix it up more often than not. Let your hair set in its natural state as many days between styling as you can.

But when you do decide to blow dry or style with heat, always use a heat protecting product that’s suitable for your hair type.

2. Be Gentle with Wet Hair

When your hair is wet, it’s more vulnerable to breakage and damage. That’s why it’s important to handle it with care.

Even before hopping in the shower, be sure to comb through your hair to remove every last tangle. This helps smooth out your strands. Because if your hair is tangled before it gets wet, you won’t be able to wash it thoroughly, and it will make brushing afterward more difficult.

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Once you’re done in the shower, try holding off on brushing your hair for as long as you can. Leaving it up in a towel will remove excess water.

And when it’s time, use a wide-toothed comb and brush through gently. Any excessive pulling and tugging will only cause your hair to break off.

3. Wash Every Other Day

Wanting to have fresh, clean hair every day is tempting, especially when you have a naturally oily scalp. But this habit can cause more harm than good.

Washing every day can strip your hair of the natural oils it needs to stay healthy and strong. Yet, some people have taken it too far and try to go several days to a week between shampooing. That can attract more dirt and debris, causing their hair to lose its volume and shine.

Washing every other day strikes a balance between the two. It gives your hair time to absorb the natural oils it needs while still keeping it healthy and clean.

4. Rinse with Cold Water

Believe it or not, cold water can be your hair’s best friend. The same way a splash of cold water to the face can close pores, rinsing with cold water seals your hair’s cuticles.

The best time to do this is right after using your conditioner.

And with the cuticles closed, your strands will look smoother, have less frizz, and will not be open to any harmful elements that may try to sneak in.

5. Shampoo and Condition Where Needed

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to shampoo and condition your entire head of hair. The roots of your hair need different care than the ends do, so you must treat them accordingly.

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Only apply shampoo from the roots to the mid-length of your strands. That’s the part that gets the most oil and product buildup. And as such, it needs more washing than the rest.

The ends of your hair need to keep their natural oils. By letting the shampoo run down your hair instead of scrubbing it, the ends will get clean and preserve those oils.

On the flip side of that, only use conditioner mid-length to the ends. Since that is the driest part of your hair, it needs the most attention. Your roots should get the conditioning they need from the natural oils on your scalp.

6. Extend the Time between Coloring

For those who color their hair, they all know what it’s like when their roots start to reappear. Their first instinct is to run straight to the hairdresser.

But not so fast.

Coloring can be traumatic enough if you’re not careful. But coloring too much can cause major damage. Dry hair and scalp, rough texture, and breakage are some of its side effects.

Instead, try to wait six weeks between treatments. Eight weeks or more is even better.

And if you use a color that looks bad as soon as the roots grow out, consider going with another color. It’s best to use one that blends more with your natural color to allow longer periods of time between treatments – without looking like a hot mess.

7. Use the Right Tools

The tools you use on your hair are just as important as your styling products. So don’t be afraid to invest in tools that promote strong, healthy hair.

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Not all brushes are created equal. Cheap materials will not last long, and they’ll cause your hair to break and become damaged.

Investing in a quality set of hair brushes may seem steep at first. But if you care for them properly, they will last a long time.

Find out which brushes are best for your hair type. For example, people with thick hair will need different tools than those with fine hair. The more targeted you can get your tools, the better your hair will look.

These Tips for Healthy Hair Will Have You at Disney Princess Status in No Time

With the proper tips for healthy hair, it’s possible to have the shiny locks of your dreams. And no matter what hair type you have or how busy your schedule may be, these tips will revolutionize your beauty routine.

Concerned you’re losing too much hair? Check out these tips to find a natural treatment to fight hair loss!