Get Rid of Insomnia

Did you know that over 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders? Problems with sleep can leave you feeling tired throughout the day, but they can also interfere with your cognition and the way that you process information.

Have you ever wondered how to get rid of insomnia? If you find yourself unable to fall asleep or stay asleep, then you may suffer from insomnia. Here are seven natural insomnia cures that can give you a better night’s sleep in no time.

1. Have a Sleep Schedule

One of the keys to getting restful sleep is consistency. You should aim to go to bed and wake up around the same time every single day.

Although it might be tempting to sleep in on the weekends or your days off, it can mess up your new routine. If you are getting enough sleep to begin with, your body will start to naturally wake up around the same time.

You should also make sure that you have a nighttime routine. Set a certain time that you will get into bed and have an activity that does not involve screens, such as reading a book.

2. Limit Your Screen Time

Endless studies have revealed that the blue light from cell phone screens can mess up your circadian rhythm, which dictates how well you sleep. If you like to look at your phone, tablet, or computer before you go to bed, you should try to break the habit.

Try putting your phone on the other side of the room to avoid using it. You can set up a separate alarm clock and turn it off completely as well.

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Replace the screen time before bed with an analog hobby. One of the best ways to wind down after a long day is to read a good book or do a crafting activity.

3. Avoid Caffeine and Sugar at Night

Your cup of coffee may help to wake you up in the morning, but it can be the cause of insomnia if you drink it too late in the day. You can still feel the effects of an afternoon coffee for many hours after you drink it, leading to sleep problems.

A good rule of thumb is to stop drinking caffeine around lunchtime. If you still want soda or coffee, you can find a variety that is caffeine-free, so you can enjoy your beverage all day long.

You should also try to limit your sugar intake later in the day. It can have similar effects to caffeine, so enjoy your sugary sweets in the morning hours or have a small treat before bedtime.

4. Alter Your Sleep Environment

Sometimes the easiest way to get rid of insomnia is to cultivate a sleep environment that encourages restful slumber. Try to do whatever you can to ensure that you get good rest in your bedroom.

For example, if you have issues with light filtering into your windows or you have an alternative sleep schedule, you should invest in blackout curtains. They can darken your room at any time during the day.

If you have noisy neighbors, then you should try a white noise machine or an application on your phone to produce calming sounds. Earplugs are a godsend if you simply want to fall asleep in silence without any distractions.

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5. Visit a Sleep Doctor

Sometimes if your sleep problems do not go away, then it may be in your best interest to book an appointment with a sleep specialist. They can evaluate your symptoms and determine if outside factors are causing insomnia.

They may have you stay in for a sleep study so they can see how you sleep. If you have a condition like sleep apnea, it can interrupt your sleep cycle and cause you to wake up during the night without explanation.

Although natural insomnia cures are a great solution for sleep issues, sometimes you may need a little bit of help falling asleep. Your doctor may prescribe you a medication like Ambien on an as-needed basis.

How does Ambien work? It helps to slow your brain down to a point where you can fall asleep easily, which is wonderful if you really need rest.

6. Reduce Stress in Your Life

Even if you feel tired all the time, stressful situations can cause you to stay up at night. You may suffer from anxiety, which causes you to worry incessantly, especially before bedtime.

Exercise is one of the best ways that you can alleviate stress and encourage healthy habits in your life. Find a form of exercise that you love and do it a few times a week.

You can also try to eliminate stressful factors in your life that are in your control. For instance, if your job stresses you out, you should consider changing career paths or moving to a new company.

7. Try Calming Scents

Your olfactory sense is one of the most powerful of the five senses, and it can influence your mood and even how you sleep. Essential oils, room sprays, or pillow sprays can go a long way in creating a peaceful environment for you to fall asleep right away.

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You may be asking yourself how to cure insomnia with smells. The trick is to use scents that are proven to ease you into a more stabilized mood.

Some of the best essential oil scents you can use for sleep include lavender, peppermint, ylang-ylang, and sandalwood.

Learn How to Get Rid of Insomnia

If you want to know how to get rid of insomnia, you should not have to worry about suffering forever. With these tips, you can start getting restful sleep and waking up feeling refreshed in the morning.

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