Right Wedding Suit

On average, over 3,000 photos are taken at weddings from the wedding photographer. This doesn’t include family taking selfies and Snapchats. You, the groom, are likely to be in a majority of them, probably alongside your new wife or husband.

Not only are you going to be in a lot of pictures from the wedding, but so will your wedding suit.

Buying a wedding suit is an important part of wedding planning. Not only do you want your wedding suit to match your wedding venue and theme and be stylish, but you also want to feel your best in whatever suit you choose.

Don’t know where to get started? Then continue reading our handy guide.

Suit Guide: Starting Your Search

Shopping for a suit can be overwhelming; there are so many options to choose from. Below are a few questions to consider when starting your search for the perfect wedding suit.

Rent or Buy?

There are many pros to buying a wedding suit. When you buy a suit, you can customize and tailor the fit to your body. More so, you can re-wear parts of your suit for formal occasions in the future. 

Tuxedo or Suit?

The big question: Do you wear a tuxedo or a suit for your wedding? The answer depends on the formality of your wedding and what you feel comfortable wearing. 

When and Where Are You Getting Married?

The location and season of your wedding will determine the type of suit you purchase. No one wants to get married on a hot summer day in a suit made of thick fabric.

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Specifics of Your Wedding Suit

There are a lot of elements to your wedding suit that you can customize to make it uniquely yours. 


The color of your suit, along with the color of your shirt and accessories, needs to be a balance between matching the overall wedding theme and your personality.


A few common suit fabrics are polyester, wool, and tweed. The fabric of your suit will influence the texture and breathability. 


Everybody is different, therefore, everyone needs a different fit for their suit. For a looser style, try a classic fit. If you prefer your clothing to be snug, try a slim fit. 

Accessorizing Your Wedding Suit

A suit isn’t complete without shoes and other accessories. The following will personalize your wedding outfit.


Since you’ll be standing most of the day, you need to make sure your suit shoes are comfortable, as well as fashionable. 

Before the big day, remember to break in your shoes. But be careful to not get them scuffed up.

Tie, Bowtie, or Neither

Whether you go with a traditional tie, bow tie, or no tie at all depends on the vibe of your wedding as well as your personal style. For example, if you are having a black-tie reception, opt for the bow tie. If you are getting married on the beach in Hawaii, a relaxed, no-tie look might be your best bet.

Pocket Square or Boutonniere

Consider the pocket square and boutonniere to be the cherry on top of your wedding suit. You can opt for just the pocket square or boutonniere, or you can go for a fancy look with both. Of course, no matter what you decide, the flowers or fabric of the square should coordinate with the rest of the wedding.

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Suit Guide: Finding the Perfect Suit For Your Wedding

Don’t forget: the most important part of your wedding suit is that you feel comfortable and confident on your big day. Follow this suit guide, and you’ll be on your way to finding your dream suit that you’ll love.

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