Baby Bath

Time is flying and your baby’s due date is rapidly approaching. You are not alone in wild anticipation. Every day, more than 350,000 babies are born across the globe.

There are very few things that are as exciting as a baby’s arrival. Like most expectant parents, you are probably wondering whether everything is ready.

Read on to learn about must-have baby products for your new bundle of joy. We’ll explore five cool baby items that are certain to make life easier for you to care for your new family member.

1. Diaper Bag

The first thing you need is a diaper bag. You will bring it to the hospital on the baby’s birthday.

The diaper bag is so important because it carries all the essentials. Here, you will carry diapers, wipes, and creams. In addition, it will hold extra pairs of clothes, pacifiers, and bottles.

To make diaper bags more convenient for parents, many manufacturers are switching to a backpack style. A perfect example is Ergobaby diaper bags.

2. Sling

It is difficult to get household chores done or anything productive with a baby in your arms. How can you wash dishes or put laundry away with one hand?

The baby sling is the solution to all of your problems. You can put the baby in the sling, which frees up both of your arms and hands. This is a must-have for traveling parents when the stroller is not an option.

3. Bouncer

Sometimes, you just need a break from carrying the baby. Nearly every parent uses a bouncer in their house. These products replicate a rocking motion and are great for safely putting the baby to sleep.

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Also, the bouncer defeats the purpose if you need to rock it with your hand or foot. Instead, buy an automatic product that operates on battery power. This way, it self-vibrates and sings to your baby at the same time.

4. Baby Monitor

Every parent needs their space. At the same time, you do not want to leave your sleeping baby unattended. The perfect solution is a baby monitor with both video and audio capability.

Today’s baby monitors are battery-operated and offer great range. They also feature talk-back features that allow you to communicate with your baby. Baby monitors are great because they grow with your child and retain their importance during the toddler years.

5. First Aid Kit

So far, we have spent our energy focusing on items to make your life easier. However, every parent needs to be ready for an emergency.

You should have a first aid kit in your house and car. This kit will include invaluable items like a thermometer and a suction device for clearing mucus.

Must-Have Baby Products for 2020

Modern technology has made parenting more convenient than ever before. The old days of rocking a baby all day are in the past. Now, you can buy slings and battery-operated bouncers to alleviate your workload.

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