woman getting beauty sleep

Not getting enough sleep at night? It could result in you feeling sluggish throughout the course of the day.

It could also impact your appearance in a big way. According to one study, a lack of sleep can make you look almost 20% more tired than you really are and 4% less attractive to others than usual.

If you want to avoid this, getting more beauty sleep will be the key. You can get better skin and improve your overall appearance in the process by making sleep more of a priority in your life.

Check out a few ways in which quality sleep will lead to better skin below.

Prevents Wrinkles From Forming in Your Skin

Every year, people from all around the world spend more than $40 billion on anti-aging creams that are designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. This market is expected to grow to be worth more than $50 billion within the next five years.

Unfortunately, there is no way to eliminate wrinkles completely. No matter how many anti-aging creams you use, you will not be able to stop the aging process from adding at least a few fresh wrinkles to your face.

But you can prevent some new wrinkles from forming in your skin by getting more than enough sleep at night. You’ll notice that you have better skin when you’re getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep on a daily basis.

When you sleep, your skin creates collagen, which makes your skin look and feel plumper. This collagen stops your skin from sagging and will stop wrinkles from showing up out of nowhere.

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Gives Your Skin an Incredible Glow

Are you sick and tired of looking in the mirror every morning and seeing your pale face staring back at you? A lack of sleep could be to blame for the complexion of your skin.

When you get enough sleep at night, your body is able to give your blood flow a boost and make repairs to your skin. It’s also able to add some color to your face and stops you from looking so pale and lifeless.

If it’s been ages now since anyone has complimented your rosy red cheeks, try to get a few more hours of sleep at night and see how that changes. You’ll be amazed by how much better skin looks and feels when it’s getting access to the right amount of blood flow at night.

Stops Bags From Showing Up Under Your Eyes

When you increase the blood flow in your body by sleeping more at night, it’ll do more than just give you a glow that you wouldn’t have otherwise. It’ll also work wonders for the skin that sits underneath of your eyes.

This skin is very thin, and therefore, it’s easy to see blood when it pools underneath of it. And that’s exactly what happens when you’re not getting the recommended amount of sleep. Blood is getting stuck under your eyes and causing bags to form.

You won’t have to worry about this happening when you get your beauty sleep. You’ll have better skin under your eyes since blood won’t pool there due to a lack of blood flow. It’ll get rid of puffy eyes once and for all and let your skin shine.

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Keeps the Corners of Your Mouth From Drooping Down

Do you almost always look like you’re in a bad mood? It could be because the corners of your mouth are drooping down during the day and causing lines to form around your mouth.

There are all kinds of things that can cause this. But one of the most common causes is a lack of sleep. When you aren’t sleeping enough at night, your whole face will often droop down and give you a sullen appearance.

There are people who spend thousands of dollars trying to fix this through different cosmetic procedures. But the truth is that simply sleeping more at night could be the best solution to the problem.

Makes Your Skin More Receptive to Beauty Products

Remember the anti-aging creams we mentioned a little bit ago?

There is nothing wrong with using them. Many of them can improve the appearance of your skin as long as you’re diligent about applying them.

More often than not, you should use them right before bed—and you should give them plenty of time to work their magic on your face and other areas of your body. If you’re not sleeping for 7 to 9 hours, you’re not giving the creams the time they need to work.

Many of these creams work best at night because that’s when your body is prepared to heal. It doesn’t have to deal with the sun or free radicals that are trying to do harm to your skin.

But you need to make it your mission to get enough sleep so that your skin is as receptive as it can be to anti-aging creams and other products. That means climbing into bed at a decent hour at night to go to sleep.

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It also means investing in comfortable bedding and pillows so that you stay asleep all night long and aren’t disturbed. Learn about the pillow qualities that every good pillow should have so that you know what kind of pillow you need to get to sleep better at night.

Get Better Skin by Getting More Sleep Tonight

You don’t necessarily need to schedule an appointment with a doctor or a cosmetic surgeon to get better skin. You can do it naturally by incorporating more sleep into your schedule.

Try to start going to bed at the same time every night. It’ll help you establish a sleep schedule and get your body into the habit of resting and recharging at the same time each day. It won’t be long before you’re seeing results written all over your face.

Want to see some other ways to brighten up the appearance of your skin? Take a look at our blog for other skincare tips and tricks.