Breast Implant Costs

Did you know it’s estimated that three million women in the United States have breast implants? Breast augmentation surgery has helped all of these individuals gain the confidence they’ve wanted when it comes to bust size.

If you’re considering this type of surgery, then you’re likely wondering how much it costs. Breast implant costs can be high, but it ultimately depends on a variety of factors.

In this article, we’ll break down what you can expect in terms of price when it comes to breast augmentation surgery. That way, you know for sure whether or not the procedure is right for you.

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?

There is no one set answer for the question, How much do breast implants cost? However, most of the time the cost of the implants, by themselves, can cost between $1,250 and $2,500.

Keep in mind that there are a variety of other costs other than the implants. As such, the full price can range between $7,000 and $14,000.

What Costs Are Included With Breast Implants?

You might be wondering why this procedure is so expensive in addition to the implants themselves. The reason is you’re not just paying for the implants.

You’re also paying for things like your surgeon, anesthesiologist, facility, post-op garments, any medications, and medical testing following the procedure. All of these things add up to the final price that you pay.

What Factors Influence Breast Implant Costs?

There are a variety of things that can make your implant surgery more expensive. One example is your geographic location. Major cities, like NYC and LA, tend to have higher surgery prices. Where the surgery takes place can also affect the price.

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If you get it done in a hospital, then it will likely be a lot more costly. The experience of the surgeon also factors in. A talented surgeon with a great track record will often charge more for their services.

The type of surgery that’s done also plays a factor. For example, transaxillary surgery tends to cost a little more. Certain ethnicities, like Asian women, tend to prefer this type of procedure.

Finally, the type of implant used can also increase the price. Most of the time saline implants tend to cost a little less than silicone ones.

Want More Content? Keep Exploring

We hope this article helped you learn more about what’s involved in determining breast implant costs. Breast augmentation surgery does indeed represent a significant investment for whoever undergoes it.

However, you can’t put a price on the confidence that comes with having the body you’ve always wanted. So, if you think the procedure is for you, then contact your plastic surgery specialist today.

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