apps on mobile phone

With the smartphone generation, we live in today, creating a business app is a wise move. But with thousands of apps to choose from, how do you market yours to stand out from the rest?

You’ll need to market it in such a way that it grabs the attention of a busy and demanding generation of people. In other words, your app needs to stand loud and proud. 

So, how is this achievable? This blog outlines 5 important steps on how to market an app in today’s technology-driven world. 

How to Market an App in 5 Simple Steps 

A business app opens up a whole new realm of interaction with your clientele.

Essentially, your customer has access to your business from the palm of their hand, which is 100% customizable to their needs. 

So if you’re wondering how to create an app and promote it for the business growth you’re hoping for, don’t skip these 5 crucial marketing tips: 

1. Do Some Pre-Development Homework  

Before your app is even in development you should do some research on what your customers would look for in an app. This also allows you to reach out to customers and let them know an app is currently in development. 

The truth is, marketing your app should begin way before it’s even brought to market. 

Send out an email to the bulk of your mailing list, even those you who have only signed up for your newsletter. Simply ask them for just 5 minutes of their time to fill out a short survey.

If possible, incentivize their help by offering a special discount on services or products. This could prompt them to fill out your survey with critical information for your app development.

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2. Team Up With Local Influencers

When it comes to marketing your app, it’s wise to look outside your usual field of influence and turn to those with meaningful reach. While it may seem unnatural at first, thinking out the box could be very beneficial for your marketing. 

Try to develop an authentic, mutually beneficial relationship with a local influencer(s) in your region, maximizing on their following. 

Influencers have a lot of power in promoting engagement decisions and buying habits of the general public. Reach out to influencers who value your business and products and would be happy to honestly promote your app. 

3. Make Full Use of Your Mobile Website

If your business has a mobile-friendly website, then this is one of the most powerful tools in promoting your new app. 

Most customers will need to access your website at some point, so this is where you can share the news of your app the most. You should either section off a part of your website exclusively for app promotion- most notably, your home page. 

Otherwise, include a pop-page display when a new visitor lands on your site to promote the download of your app.

4. Create a Special Feature on Your Business Blog

A business blog is another great source of marketing opportunity for your app. Include a mention or call-to-action to download your app in each scheduled blog post. 

Otherwise, write a blog post solely dedicated to the launch of your new app and how it can be downloaded. Include details on the back story of your app, its purpose and how it can benefit your customers!

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Don’t forget to add app links, screenshots and video to help your customers fully understood how it works. 

5. Mention Your App in All Email Correspondence

Essentially, your new app should be mentioned in every aspect of your business marketing and liaison with a customer. This includes all email correspondence.

On a day-to-day basis, you probably send out countless emails. Make sure to include a mention and download link to your app at the bottom of each mail. 

This even includes payment confirmation emails, tech support emails, and your newsletter!

Your Digital Marketing Go-To 

Looking for more insider know-how on how to market an app? Explore the rest of our website for handy digital marketing hacks!