
Do you want to keep that youthful face? If you said, yes, you are not alone—the global anti-aging market is worth about $42.5 billion and will grow an estimated 5 percent by 2023. Don’t worry you can keep looking young without destroying your bank account.

Looking younger becomes everyone’s dream as they begin to age. We’ll give you a few top-secret tips to help you find the fountain of youth within yourself.

1. Moisturize

Dry skin can age more quickly. Try finding a moisturizer with anti-aging ingredients like Vitamin A and Retinol. CBD creams are also great moisturizers with anti-aging capabilities.

When you age, your skin cannot hold moisture. This is why it’s so important to moisturize. Women are not the only ones that should moisturize—it’s also important for men to moisturize!

If your skin needs extra hydration, you can check out some treatments. Check out local skin specialists, like Dr. Aesthetica, to get some intense moisturizing or filler treatments.

2. Stay Hydrated

If you don’t get enough water, it can actually make you look older by drying out your skin. This makes you look tired. You should drink about a half gallon of water a day, and you should sip on water throughout the day or drink a glass every hour or two.

Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin hydrated, so you will continue that youthful glow. Your body needs water to function in the inside to make your outside look its best.

3. Sunscreen

You can always protect your skin with sunscreen—it’s never too late! If your skin has repeated sun damage, your skin looks more wrinkled, dry, and discolored. Your skin can actually bruise more easily with sun damage.

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Several moisturizers include SPF protection because UV ray protection is so vital. The sun’s damaging rays are one of the main things that causes premature aging. Be sure to use at least 15 SPF daily to avoid sun damage.

Be sure you also apply sunscreen to your hands and your chest if you will be out for a little while. If you plan to be in the sun longer, it’s important to apply to your whole body.

4. Reduce Stress

Stress impacts your health in many ways including giving you higher rates of fatigue, anxiety, depression, and heart disease. Stress can also make you appear older by giving your wrinkles, hair loss, and under eye circles.

You could try to reduce stress with breathing routines, meditation, and yoga. Doing yoga promotes a healthier lifestyle and also reduces stress. You can also reduce your responsibilities or find other ways to cope with the demands of life like taking a bath, watching your favorite TV show, or reading a good book.

5. Exercise

Small amounts of exercise can make you feel more lively and young. You should try to exercise a least 30 minutes a day, even if you just take long brisk walks. Try some Pilates, biking, tennis, yoga, or hiking to mix it up.

If you exercise regularly, you won’t have to yo-yo diet, which can actually make you look older. Losing weight quickly makes your neck and facial skin appear saggy, which makes you look older.

6. Choose the Right Clothing

As simple as it sounds, wearing clothes that flatter your body actually make you look instantly slimmer and younger. Trying to dress in today’s fashions will not necessarily make you look younger; it can do the opposite if it doesn’t flatter your shape.

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If you haven’t bought new clothes recently, it may be time to go shopping. Ask a sales associate for help picking out some clothes right for your body type. Try looking in some magazines for some inspiration.

Try some bright colors to make you appear more youthful. Add some colors like green, red, or orange. Dark colors like black do help you appear slimmer but could also make you appear older.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to get rid of all dark colors. Try accessorizing with bright jewelry, tie, or cardigan. For example, wear a black shirt with a big, colorful necklace and cardigan that matches.

7. Proper Nutrition

There is no one magical food, but there are some foods you should eat regularly to help you look younger. Here are some foods you should add to your diet:

  • Low-fat yogurt helps your skin and teeth
  • Oranges have lots of vitamin c to make you feel younger
  • Berries have lots of antioxidants to improve skin
  • Broccoli also has a lot of vitamin C for your skin
  • Carrots are great for skin
  • Sweet potatoes are great for hair and your complexion

You can also take supplements to improve your nutrition intake to improve your skin. Take 1,000-2,000 mg of Vitamin C that protects your skin from damage. It also helps skin heal and supports your immune system.

Vitamin D3 help keeps your bones strong and supports your skin. Vitamin B also helps repair skin.

A balanced diet is important to your health because you can improve your skin from the inside as well as the outside. A study found that people with higher Vitamin C intake actually had fewer wrinkles.

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Other foods can also help your skin produce more collagen which creates firmness. Collagen is a protein that improves skin elasticity—also known as the wrinkle destroyer. These foods include oysters, meat, and leafy greens along with spices such as ginger, chili powder, and cinnamon.

8. Have Regular Sex

Getting frisky can actually make you look younger. A recent study found that those that had sex at least once a week looked up to seven years younger than those who did not have sex regularly.

Final Thoughts on Looking Younger

As you can see, there are lots of natural ways to looking younger. Try these steps above to not only look younger, but also feel better. You don’t have to spend a fortune to look and feel young.

Check out our website for other helpful articles on staying young like natural anti-aging home remedies.