Getting a Tattoo

45 million people in the United States have tattoos.

Yet getting a tattoo can be a painful experience. When considering a tattoo, what are some ways to reduce the pain?

You don’t have to let the fear of pain keep you from getting a tattoo! Here are some tips for tattoo pain relief.


One of the best ways to reduce the pain during a tattoo is to take over-the-counter pain medication. Whether it’s acetaminophen or ibuprofen, make sure you follow the directions and not take too many. Taking an OTC will help take off the edge of the pain so you can focus on staying calm.

Location Matters

The location of your tattoo is going to make a difference in how much pain you experience. There are places in your body that are more sensitive to pain than others.

Smaller body parts like ears, parts of the face, and limbs may be more painful than others. Large parts of the body like the chest, back, and upper arms are less so. If you have a sensitive body, you may need to reconsider the placement of your tattoo.

If you do end up getting tattooed on a more sensitive area, consider using lidocaine for tattoo pain relief.

Stay Distracted

When you’re in pain your body sends messages via nerves to your brain. This is how you know to pull away or fight back.

One way to help manage pain during a tattoo is to stay distracted. When you’re focused on something else besides the tingling or scratching, you “ignore” it. Consider bringing a device to listen to music or a podcast, or something else that might help you stay distracted.

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Some people enjoy getting tattoos together, like with a friend or a spouse, or they’re there for support.

Drink Water

Drinking water will help you stay hydrated. This means that your body will be able to handle the pain better than with caffeine or alcohol.

Not only that, but your skin will be easier to work with as well. Skin that’s dry or cracked will make it difficult for the tattoo artist and yourself!

Select Your Tattoo Artist Carefully

An experienced tattoo artist is one of the keys to making sure your tattoo experience goes well. A licensed tattoo artist knows how to properly execute a tattoo and help people through the process.

In addition, you’ll get a sick-looking tattoo as well because they know the best ways to create your tattoo. This means that you’ll be in the chair less time than someone who’s just starting out and needs time to finish.

Getting a Tattoo With Less Pain

Getting a tattoo should be a memorable experience, but not in a painful way! Follow these steps and ask your tattoo artist about other ways you might minimize the pain. What steps are you going to take to manage your pain during a tattoo today?

Do you want to learn more about tattoos and how to care for them? We can help! Visit our site today to learn how to make the best of your tattoo experience.