
Botox is popular.

Perhaps that is an understatement because statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons states that up to 7.23 million procedures were performed in the United States in 2017. From all accounts, the numbers are not declining.

Are you thinking about getting Botox treatments? If you have never had the procedure before you will undoubtedly have questions.

One of the most popular ones is, “How does Botox work?”

If you want the answer to this question, then read on because you are about to find out.

1. What is Botox?

Before you can fully appreciate how botox works, you should have an idea of exactly what it is. Botox is actually the brand name for the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. If taken in large amounts it can cause botulism which can lead to paralysis.

Sounds scary, right?

If used in its natural state it would be. However, scientists have found a way to dilute small amounts to relax muscles. This makes it a powerful tool for removing fine lines and frown lines.

2. How Does Botox Work?

As discussed earlier when botox gets diluted it can be injected into muscles to relax them. The diluted solution actually blocks the signals sent from nerves to the muscle.

The muscle injected can no longer contract. The result is enhanced beauty because wrinkles are softened and fine lines look more relaxed.

Lines across the forehead, around the eyes and frown lines, respond very well to this type of treatment. It is interesting to note that wrinkles that are caused by damage from the sun or gravity do not respond to Botox treatments.

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There is nothing complex about how botox filler injections are done this is why it is the number one beauty hack of so many women. Botox treatments are fast and do not require anesthesia. When you go for treatment the botox is injected with a very fine needle into the muscles.

3. How Fast Will You Get Results?

Although the treatment is fast the results are not instantaneous. You will need to wait anywhere from three to five days to see the results. In order to get the best results from this treatment, it is best to stop taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications at least two weeks before the procedure.

This will help you to avoid bruising. If you are feeling pain in those two weeks prior to the procedure, the best types of painkillers to take are the ones that contain acetaminophen since these will not thin the blood. If your blood becomes thinned bruising is more likely to occur.

Final Thoughts

Your questions about, “How does Botox work?” are answered. You have learned that Botox treatments have the power to reduce wrinkles and fine lines in a very short space of time.

However, it is important that you know exactly what it can and cannot do. While it is very effective at removing some forms of wrinkles it is ineffective with others. It is important to know these things so that you won’t be disappointed with your results.

If you would like to learn about other beauty treatments, please do not hesitate to visit our blog.

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