Flower Bouquets Last Longer

There is beauty in the ephemeral. Seasons change, children outgrow their tiny shoes, and even the heartiest plants drop their leaves. When you’re ordering flowers for special occasions, however, you want that beauty to last for as long as possible!

The best florists have tips and tricks up their soil-covered sleeves that can help your flower bouquets stay fresh and lovely for longer than your average arrangement! While your local florist may be reluctant to part with this wisdom, this article is here to teach you how you can make even the most affordable flowers last and last. Read on to learn a few tips and tricks that will have your beautiful bouquet looking and smelling like it’s fresh from the field!

Cut Your Stems

The stem of your flowers is almost like a drinking straw that draws up water to nourish your blooms. If you leave a drinking straw in liquid for too long, it can get jammed and crusty! To prevent this fate from happening to your flowers, snip the stems when you receive your flowers and before putting them into water.

After that, give the ends a snip every few days to make sure that water can continue to travel upward and nourish your flowers. If you cut at a 45-degree angle, your plants will be able to absorb the most water. Any sharp pair of scissors will do! 

Snip Extra Leaves

If there are any leaves on your flowers that would sit below the waterline when in the vase, get rid of them! This is a great way to prevent bacteria from growing in the water and harming your lovely plants. It also means that the plant won’t have to work as hard, because it won’t need to keep those leaves looking fresh. 

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Watch the Water

Flowers do better when you change the water in the vase approximately every two days. When you replace the water, take the time to wash the vase. This will ensure that no sneaky bacteria have had time to grow in there and infect your flowers!

Keep Things Cool

When you go to the florist shop to pick out flower gifts, you will probably notice several refrigerated units. Putting flowers into the fridge overnight is a tip that will keep them fresh longer. This is for the same reason you’d put your produce in the fridge, and has much the same effect! 

Location Matters

While your flowers are on display, make sure you choose a spot where they can thrive. Consider a cool and shaded area. Too much heat will make the flowers wilt, and indirect sunlight will be enough to keep them looking perky!

Secrets of the Best Florists!

It doesn’t take a lot to harness the secrets of the best florists and keep your flowers looking like you just picked them! A little bit of extra maintenance every few days can provide you days of added joy. Stay vigilant, keep bacteria at bay, and your flowers will appreciate it! 

Looking for more tips to brighten up your day? The blog is full of articles that can help scratch that itch! Check out the rest of the blog for other posts that can help you learn to keep things looking lovely at home!