Design Your Own Jewelry

Did you know that 6 out of 10 people picked up a new hobby in the past year? While many did it to alleviate boredom, others tried it to boost their moods. But in the end, the majority of those surveyed said that they’ll continue with their new hobby.

If you’ve been thinking of starting a new hobby, now is the perfect time to learn. Would you like to know how to design your own jewelry? Then check out this helpful guide here.

Make a Sketchbook

The first step in jewelry design is to put down some of your ideas on paper. Make a sketchbook that is dedicated to your creations. Have fun and experiment with drawing different styles.

Watch Tutorials

If you are looking for jewelry design tips for handmade jewelry, try watching a how-to video. There are a number of jewelry-making tutorials online that offer advice that will get you started.

Get Supplies

If you plan on making jewelry by hand, then you will need supplies. Get the basic tools and then start with inexpensive wire, beads, and clasps that are perfect for beginners.

Experiment With Materials

Once you are ready to start designing, experiment with different man-made and natural materials. Try to work with metals, feathers, leather, beads, and other objects to create unique designs.

Play With Color

Next, try to incorporate color into your designs. Use a color wheel to find some novel combinations. Play with themes of cool tones and warm tones to find what you love best.

Make Different Types

Don’t limit yourself to making one type of jewelry in the beginning. Try different types, from necklaces to bracelets and even earrings. This will help you master the basics for each form.

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Search for Inspiration

Do you want to explore jewelry design ideas? Then check out other companies for inspiration. Or go to local shops and take a look at their jewelry collections.

Design Your Own Jewelry With a Jeweler

If your designs are beyond your skillset at the moment, you can always team up with a professional jeweler to help make your dreams a reality. Search for jewelers that will do custom jewelry designs and work with you.

Try a Jewelry Design Website

Did you know that you can design jewelry online? You can find sites that will allow you to use their design software for free or for a small fee. When you have completed the process, many will ship you a finished product.

Ready to Create Jewelry Designs?

Now that you’ve learned how to design your own jewelry, you can give it a try. Start by doing research and reading a jewelry design guide. Then record your designs and try making them by hand, with a software program, or with the help of a custom jeweler.

Are you inspired to try more creative projects? If so, explore some of the other helpful posts on the accessories section of this site!