Talk to Your Barber

For most men, getting a haircut is a crucial part of their hair care. The right haircut can enhance your appearance and improve your confidence.

However, if there’s a miscommunication between you and your barber, you could end up with the wrong haircut. Without knowing the correct hair terms, it can be hard to describe what you want.

If you’re not sure how to talk to your barber, don’t worry. We’ll give you four tips that can help you get the cut you want from them.

1. Show Your Barber Pictures

Sometimes, when we’re describing the style we want to our barbers, it may not come across that clear. To help them understand the haircut you want, you could show them a picture.

Make sure the image you select clearly shows the style you want. Your barber can look at it and see the different angles to match what you want. That way, you can avoid using terms you don’t know.

2. Use Numbers Instead of Terms

A great way to describe the haircut you want from your barber is to use numbers instead of terms. Guard numbers range from 1 to 8 for various lengths of hair.

By telling your barber the number you want, they’ll know how you want your haircut, and you can avoid terminology. However, it’s still important to be as specific as you can.

3. Know the Specific Haircut You Want

You can avoid having a bad experience at the barbers by knowing the name of the haircut you want. Barbers will be familiar with standard hair terms such as:

  • Buzzcut
  • Skin fade
  • Undercut
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Once you tell them the style name, they’ll understand it and cut your hair accordingly. So before your next appointment, double-check the name and pictures of the haircut you want.

4. Explain Your Hair Care Routine

The more information you give your barber about the haircut you want, the better they can accommodate. If you’re not sure about numbers or terms, you can always explain how you take care of your hair.

Describing your hair care routine to your barber can help them understand its texture. By knowing your hair’s texture, they will be able to give you a suitable haircut.

5. Talk About Your Last Experience

If you’ve had a bad experience at the barbers, it can be tough trusting a new place. But after multiple “Barbershops near you” Google searches, you finally find a place where you want to get a trim.

Before your barber starts cutting your hair, tell them about your last experience at a previous shop. Explaining your concerns to them may provide clarity for the haircut you want.

They’ll also be able to provide suggestions for other haircuts, depending on the length of your hair and the style you want.

Now You Know How to Talk to Your Barber

Barber terminology can be challenging to understand. But with these tips, you will know how to talk to your barber and get the haircut you want. You can say bye-bye to bad haircuts.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this article. If so, please check out our other hair care-related blogs.