Injured Nose

Does your nose feel horribly swollen and inflamed? Does it have a metallic or putrid taste?

Are these followed by chest pain or shortness of breath? If so, you could have a fractured nose.

A fractured nose is the most common nose injury. Other nose injuries include septal fractures, nasal fractures, nasal dislocations, nasal crush fractures, and nasal hemorrhages.

You may wonder if a nasal fracture will heal on its own or must be treated by a physician. How do you know when your injured nose is serious enough to require urgent medical attention? Here’s what to look for.

Signs of a Serious Injury

If you have injured your nose, it is necessary to determine if the injury is serious. Symptoms of a serious injury include a broken bone, swollen nose, a piercing wound, bleeding that won’t stop, or changes in your ability to breathe.

A sports injury is also a serious case. If you subject yourself to a heavy impact during a sports activity, it’s possible to damage the cartilage and bone in your nose

Lastly, if you are in a car accident and hit your nose, you need to know how to tell if your nose is seriously injured. Look for excessive bleeding, pain that does not go away, swelling, bruising, and difficulty breathing.

If Your Nose Has Been Hit

If you have been hit in the face, it’s crucial to determine whether or not you have suffered a serious injury.  If you are experiencing severe pain, it is usually a good indicator that something is wrong.

Also, if your nose is numb after an injury, please consult a doctor to determine the severity of the injury. If the numbness is accompanied by other symptoms like pain or bleeding, it’s likely that you need medical attention.

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Even if your nose does not appear to be severely injured, it is always better to have it checked out by a doctor.

Treatment Option

If your nose is visibly crooked or misshapen, it is likely a serious injury. Also, you have to look for signs of deformity after the injury happened. If that’s the case then you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

The best treatment for that could be a rhinoplasty by Dr. Montilla

What Is Simple Injury?

If you can still breathe normally and there is no obvious deformity, then you may just have a simple injury that will heal on its own.

However, it is always best to err on the side of caution and see a doctor if you are unsure. They can determine if you need further treatment or if your nose just needs time to heal.

There’s Still Hope for Your Injured Nose

If you think you may have an injured nose, determine how serious it is, your doctor will likely ask about your symptoms and perform a physical examination.

They may also order imaging tests, such as an X-ray or CT scan, to get a better look at your nose. If you have a nose injury, following your doctor’s instructions is necessary for care and treatment to ensure that it heals properly.

Consult with a physician if you have any concerns. They will be able to check for any fractures or other damage.

Check out the other articles on our website for additional information.