Wear Makeup without Damaging Your Skin

When most people experience a breakout, they end up putting makeup on it to cover it up. But what do you do when applying makeup causes your skin to get worse?

Won’t applying more makeup create a vicious cycle that ends with cystic acne and pounds of makeup on top?

While that might be a fear of yours, it doesn’t need to be. All you need to do is understand how to wear makeup for your skin type. Once you know how to do that, you’ll have no problem—no matter how much makeup a situation calls for.

Read on to learn about four tips that make wearing makeup as painless for your skin as possible.

1. Know Your Skin Type

The first step to preventing skin issues and solving current ones is to understand your skin type. There are three major types:

  • Oily: Skin that features clogged or large pores, shiny areas of the face, and acne
  • Dry: Skin that feels flaky and dehydrated, often sensitive
  • Combination: Skin that contains both oily and dry patches

Most brands offer makeup products for different skin types. For example, people with oily skin should avoid oil-based products, while those with dry skin may want hypoallergenic options.

2. Check the Ingredients

Before you buy any makeup products, check the label and look at the ingredients.

Many cheaper makeup brands use ingredients that can harm your skin. These often harm the environment and animals, as well.

Try going with natural makeup products. These contain ingredients you can pronounce, and usually, they won’t exacerbate any skin problems.

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3. Stick to a Skincare Routine

A solid skincare routine is the foundation your skin needs to respond well to makeup. Although you can get more complex with it, basic skincare resembles the following:


  • Cleanse
  • Moisturize
  • SPF


  • Cleanse and remove makeup
  • Tone
  • Treat (using serums)
  • Moisturize

Follow that routine every morning and night—your skin will love you for it. Again, make sure to choose products that work well with your skin type.

4. Remove Your Makeup at Night

As you can see in the previous point, removing makeup while cleansing your face is non-negotiable. It’s something you have to do, no matter how tired you are. Falling asleep with makeup on is terrible for your skin.

Stay away from makeup wipes as they contain questionable ingredients and are bad for the environment. Instead, use an oil-based cleanser to melt it away.

Understand How to Wear Makeup and Not Damage Your Skin

If you’re someone who suffers from skin problems, wearing makeup might not seem like something you should do. But the truth is as long as you wear the right makeup for your skin type, you have nothing to be afraid of.

Use this guide to help you understand how to wear makeup that’s great for your skin. By following the tips mentioned, you’ll get all the benefits of makeup and none of the drawbacks.

Are you looking to learn more about natural makeup and other beauty topics? If so, make sure to check out our other posts for more great content.