Polished Jewelry

Your jewelry is part of your personal style. So when you start noticing that it is losing its luster, you may be wondering how you can get it back.

Stop! Before you grab the nearest cleaner, you should first know how to safely clean your jewelry. 

Continue reading to learn how to polish jewelry and make it look like new again!

Can You Polish Jewelry at Home?

Although many jewelry pieces are safe to polish at home there are some types that you should bring to a professional jeweler for cleaning. For example, delicate metals such as platinum are more easily scratched than others. 

If you want to keep your platinum as lustrous as the day you bought it, then it’s best to bring it to a professional jeweler.

Other metals such as copper, brass, silver, and gold can all be cleaned from home mainly by using these cleaning products.

Make Your Silver Shine

If your jewelry pieces are made from sterling silver then you probably notice they can get tarnished over time. The layer of silver that exposed to the elements reacts with chemicals in the air to form what is called a patina.

This is just a part of wearing and owning silver but it doesn’t have to keep your jewelry from shining like new. Jewelry cleaning products can offer a great way to polish your silver jewelry without causing any damage.

Rubbing a silver jewelry-cleaning cloth can work well for subtle blemishes.

It’s important to use cleaning products that are made specifically for silver. Items like rubber, chlorine, sulfur, or latex can actually permanently damage and burn your silver. So keep these far away from your silver jewelry. 

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You should never use a household silver polish that is for silverware on your jewelry. So make sure you buy silver polish made especially for jewelry.

DIY Copper or Brass Polish

For metals other than gold and silver, you can soak your copper or brass jewelry in a mixture of water with four parts vinegar and one part salt. 

Has Your White Gold Faded?

Over time you may notice that your white gold jewelry can dull from daily wear. This causes the nature, yellow-white tone to show through. You can choose to continue to wear the piece regardless or you also have the option to have it professionally re-plated with rhodium.

Soak Your Diamonds

The keep your diamond rings and jewelry shining like new, you can soak them for 15 minutes in a cup of warm water that has a quarter cup of ammonia in it.

After soaking your diamonds, simply brush the diamond lightly with a toothbrush to remove the excess build-up. Then rinse in water and dry with a cloth.

Clean Natural Stones

When your jewelry contains natural stones like amethyst, lapis, or quartz, you need to be careful not to try and clean them with chemicals. Some stones, like opals, are especially delicate.

If your stone is safe to be scrubbed with water, then you can use a very soft toothbrush to gently clean each piece. It’s important not to scrub them with abrasive tools. Let them air dry afterward on a dry cloth.

Pearls can be gently buffed with a wet cloth to remove any build-up. However, some stones, such as selenite, will dissolve even in water!

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Antique Jewelry Advice

If you have family heirlooms or other antique jewelry pieces it’s important to bring them to professional cleaners rather than trying to clean them yourself. You could instantly cause irreversible damage to them.

For example, the closed-back mountings that are on Georgian Era jewelry will break if it gets wet. You may also need to have older jewelry that you love brought to an expert for repair and upkeep. Such as checking on clasps and prongs.

Help Your Jewelry Last Longer

If you want to prevent the damage or tarnishing of your jewelry, there are a few ways to do this. It’s important to store your necklaces and bracelets properly. Don’t throw them in drawers or leave them heaped inside a box.

This can cause stones to chips and break or metals to get bent. Hang your jewelry neatly on safe hooks or place them in a cushioned jewelry box for safekeeping.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

You should also store them in a dry place so they won’t be damaged by moisture in the air. In fact, you can save silica gel packs that come with your new items such as purses and shoes, and store them with your jewelry. This will absorb moisture in the air and keep it from tarnishing your jewelry.

Another way to prevent tarnish from happening is to store your jewelry in a ziplock bag. You should also never put your jewelry on before applying things like makeup, lotions, hairspray, or perfume. These items can have a damaging effect on your jewelry.

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You should also avoid storing your jewelry in direct sunlight. Many stones will fade in harsh light, especially emeralds and tanzanite.

Rinse and Soak

Most fine jewelry and costume jewelry can be gently soaked in warm water with soap then brushed clean with a toothbrush. This will break up the dirt and oils that have built up from your skin. 

This will work just fine on gold, diamonds, precious, and semi-precious gems. 

Bring Back the Sparkle

Make sure you polish jewelry regularly to prevent unnecessary wear and tear from tarnish, dirt, and oils. Whenever your stones look dull it’s important to clean them. That’s because it not only looks bad but it can also loosen prongs, damage the setting or cause irritation to your skin.

Taking care of your most prized jewelry pieces means more than just regularly cleaning them. You may need to have them checked by a professional every six months to a year. An expert will spot any settings that have been damaged or any loose prongs before you lose a precious stone.

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