Maintaining Footwear Cleanliness

Are you wondering how to take care of shoes properly?

We’re not surprised! An average person in the United States owns 19 pairs of them. With so many shoes to look after, knowing how to keep every single one in top condition can be a challenge.

But, as any shoe-aficionado knows, it’s crucial that you learn.

After all, appropriate care and attention is the only way to protect the aesthetic appeal and structural integrity of your footwear. That’s a big deal for anybody who a) takes pride in their appearance and b) spends lots of money on their shoes!

Looking after sneakers, cleats and brogues should keep them looking and feeling great for years to come. Want some advice on making it happen?

Read on for 7 essential shoe care tips.

1. Don’t Wear Them Too Frequently

This is rule number one of shoe care survival:

Your footwear will live a long and happy life of service if you avoid over-wearing them!

Why? Because the more you put them on, the more wear and tear they encounter. They’re exposed to the elements and suffer from the rigors of their role as a result. They’ll get muddy, wet, sweaty, and worn out.

This is where having a wide selection of shoes at home comes in handy. It means you can rotate through them during the week(s) and minimize how often any single pair gets worn.

You’ll help extend their working life in the process.

2. Steer Clear of the Washing Machine

We know how tempting it is to sling dirty shoes in the wash.

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It seems like the quickest and easiest way to clean them! You pop them in the drum, pour in some detergent, and press a button. One hour later and they’re good as new, right?

Not quite.

Unfortunately, washing machines can be kryptonite to high-quality footwear. They’re well known to do more harm than good. Hot cycles can melt the glue that binds them together; the rough and tumble of the spin can cause irreparable damage.

The only way to walk away with unscathed shoes is to use a cold and gentle wash with no spin. However, always err on the side of caution and never put leather shoes through the wash. Only durable footwear made from materials like canvas will survive the ordeal.

3. Use a Shoe Horn!

Shoe horns are the old dog of caring for footwear.

These simple instruments have been used forever and a day to help people put on their shoes. You simply open up the laces, pop your toes in the front and slide your heel down the horn.

It’s quick, easy, and protects the shoe counter in the process.

FYI, the ‘counter’ is the official term for that rigid bit of material at the heel. It’s also the part that most people ruin as they force their heels down inside.

You know what it’s like. You’re in a hurry and can’t be bothered to loosen the laces before putting on the shoes. Instead, you take the brute force approach- pressing, wiggling, and kicking your feet into position.

Unfortunately, that ends up damaging the counter and threatens the shoe’s strength and shape in the process. Knowing how to use a shoehorn stops that happening!

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4. Clean the Surfaces after Use

Try to wipe your shoes down every time you get home and take them off.

More often than not, you’ll have picked up specks of dirt and liquid throughout the day. Leaving any mud or water on the surface can stain the material and make future cleaning more difficult.

Think of it like flossing your teeth.

It isn’t exactly what you’d call ‘fun’. But it’s a vital preventative step that’ll help you avoid more serious issues down the line.

Consider dabbing some tea tree essential oil on the insides as well. This is a natural anti-fungal treatment that should prevent the build-up of bad odors.

5. Use a Waterproof Shoe Protector

Prevention is always better than the cure, right?

Taking steps to protect your beautiful shoes from future problems will make a big difference.

Let’s take leather footwear as an example. One easy way to keep your leather shoes in good condition is to apply a waterproof protector to their surface. Spray the protection onto the shoes and it should prevent any rainwater from damaging the materials.

Leather shoe care doesn’t get much easier! You can walk around with greater peace of mind, knowing that any water you encounter shouldn’t penetrate their surface.

6. Regularly Polish Any Leather

Polish is another essential tool for keeping leather shoes looking their best.

Leather tends to dry out with time and usage- especially when they’re exposed to the sweat from your feet. Applying polish to the surface will help protect and restore it to full glory!

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Make sure the shoes are clean and dry beforehand. Next, use a rag/cloth to apply the polish before buffing the surface with a shoeshine brush. The leather will regain its shine and enjoy a boost in suppleness and waterproofing too.

7. Store Them Appropriately

How you store your shoes makes a significant difference too.

Unfortunately, you can’t just fling them into a corner and expect positive results! Make sure you cultivate a designated space for them. Having wiped the surfaces clean, lay your footwear in a cool, dry place- preferably in a shoe rack or somewhere similar.

Another top tip is to pop shoe trees inside to help keep their shape. Finally, avoid wrapping them in plastic. Just like us, shoes need a certain level of air so they can breathe!

Exactly How to Take Care of Shoes

People in the US love buying beautiful shoes.

Our houses are full of them! Shoes of every style are shoved into closets, stowed under beds, and stuffed onto racks. Unfortunately, many expensive pairs meet an early demise as a result.

Knowing how to take care of shoes is vital if you want to avoid that fate and keep your footwear in good condition. Hopefully, this post will help you do exactly that.

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