eyeglasses for kids

Glasses used to be the kiss of death for coolness. But now they’re a fashion trend, so much so that people are wearing glasses without a prescription just as a cool accessory.

Picking glasses for yourself as an adult is a bit different than picking ones for a child. If your kid needs glasses, you might not know where to start in terms of styles, materials, and durability.

Eyeglasses for kids need to be the right size and the right make to ensure they’ll actually wear and like them! Keep the following things in mind when choosing kids’ prescription glasses.

Choosing the Right Size and Shape

There’s a big difference when asking yourself “when to take baby to eye doctor” vs “when to take a toddler” vs “when to take a 10-year-old”. There are huge differences in the size and shape of baby glasses vs glasses made for older kids.

Keep age, face shape, and your child’s size in mind when picking out their glasses. Always have your child try on the frames before buying them in order to size them properly and make sure the frame works well with their shape.

Keeping Them On Their Head

Kids are active: they run, jump, tumble, fall, twirl, etc. This makes it easy for their new (and probably expensive!) glasses to fly off their head, get lost, trampled on, and generally fall off their face so they won’t be able to see!

You have a few options to prevent this. First, you can get them a strap that keeps the glasses on their face. There are also temple-wrap glasses that secure the glasses with wrap-around earpieces.

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Let Your Kids Choose (Or at Least Help)!

Just because they’re a kid doesn’t mean that they don’t care about what they wear or their style. While you might have the final say, letting your child participate in the choosing of the glasses will help them like them. This will also increase the probability that they’ll want to wear them.

Keep them Lightweight…

Kids glasses are usually made of lightweight materials. This will make them more comfortable for them to wear and will make them less likely to take them off when they shouldn’t.

…But Don’t Sacrifice Durability!

It’s important to get lightweight frames for kids, but make sure that this doesn’t sacrifice the frame’s durability. You want kids eyeglasses to be able to withstand everything a kid can throw at them: anti-scratch and anti-shatter lenses combined with flexibility that can withstand stretching and mishandling are essential.

Eyeglasses for Kids: Keep them Looking Cool and Seeing Clearly

Eyeglasses for kids in school might have been for “geeks” back in the day, but following these tips and choosing ones that are in style will only make your kid cooler. Get them excited about glasses by letting them pick them out. Show them that glasses are fun, not something to hate.

You can even coordinate their outfits to their new glasses to keep them super stylish. Check out our article on glasses-outfit coordination tips!