Beach Surfers

Surfing, at first glance, may seem like a simple summer sport. All you need is a board, a swimsuit, and some gnarly waves, right?


Any surfer will tell you that surfing is a little bit more complicated than that. If you’re planning on spending your summer on your surfboard, you’ll need some crucial surf trip essentials on hand.

Keep reading to find our list of best outdoor essentials for your next surf trip.

1. Surf Wax

Surfboard wax is a synthetic wax that surfers apply to their board to prevent slipping. The wax provides necessary grip and traction to keep you on your board while you’re paddling to the waves.

Ensure you’re buying the right wax for the waters you’ll be surfing in. You’ll need different wax for varying water temperatures.

Using cold water wax in tropical waters causes the wax to melt and results in a slippery board. If you’re using warm weather wax in colder waters, it’ll get too cold and not provide traction.

2. Wax Comb

Now that you have the right wax for your board, you need a wax comb.

These combs often feature jagged and sharp edges. The serrated edge allows surfers to create textured grooves for extra traction.

The sharp edge is what you’ll use for scraping off old wax.

Some combes even have other useful tools built into them, such as a bottle opener. While not necessary, these multitool wax combs can come in handy on long surf trips.

3. Rash Guards

Womens and mens rash guards are essential surf clothing every water lover needs. A rash guard is an athletic shirt that surfers wear to protect their bodies from chafing, scraping, and sun damage.

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These shirts should fit tight against the skin. Looser fitting rash guards can weigh you down and limit your mobility underwater.

You can find short or long sleeve rash guards. If you are spending a lot of time outside in the sun, you might want to opt for the long sleeve variety. The more fabric your shirt has, the more protection you’ll have from the sun.

4. Sun Protection

If you think you’re safe from sunburns when you’re underwater, you’re wrong. In fact, 40% of UV rays can penetrate shallow water. If that fact isn’t scary enough for you, how about the study that proves surfers are three times more likely to develop fatal melanomas?

Since surfers spend hours of their day on the beach or in the water, they need several types of sun protection. Sunglasses are a great way to protect eyes from UV damage.

Try to find sunscreens with high SPF ratings and high resistance to water. Since no sunscreen is completely waterproof, you’ll need to reapply several times a day.

5. Surfboard-Centric Multitool

Anything can happen to your board while you’re out surfing. You might need to tackle an unexpected fin swap or last-minute repairs before you can hit the waves. These little gear hiccups can ruin a surf trip if you don’t have a board-centric multitool on hand.

Look for a tool with several features that will prove indispensable if problems with your gear arise. A re-threader, hex key, and screwdriver combination will be a great place to start.

Some multitools even double as a wax comb.

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6. Back-Up Gear

It’s Murphy’s Law. You could surf for years at local beaches, but the second you’re on the water on your surf vacation, everything goes wrong. Maybe a fin breaks or your leash tie snaps.

These seemingly small inconveniences can put a damper on your trip. That’s why you should have back-up gear in case things go awry.

Extra fins will allow you to choose how to configure your board for the given surf conditions. Bring at least one extra set of fins to play with if the water conditions allow.

To change out your fins, you’ll need fin keys. Bring an extra set just in case.

7. Traction Pad

Traction pads go on the tail of your board to help keep your back foot on at all times. You do not need to use both a traction pad and surf wax. You might want to bring both, though, to find which set-up works best for you.

Many surfers prefer traction pads over wax as they require no maintenance. You won’t have to worry about your pad melting in the hot sun all over your vehicle, either.

The biggest downside of a traction pad is that if it’s not placed in just the right spot, it’s a nightmare to get off. You need to be very confident in your placement or have someone at a board shop do it for you.

8. An Extra Board

If you have extra surfboards at your disposal, bring at least one or two with you on your trip.

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Though surf forecasting is an accurate way to gauge what to expect, it’s not 100% foolproof. You may find yourself pulling up to the beach to face waves much bigger than you expected. You don’t want to only have a longboard if you’re dealing with overhead surf.

If you happen to break your board, you’ll have a back-up on the beach.

9. Ear Protection

Surfing is an exhilarating and heart-pumping sport. It can also be a very relaxing escape from everyday life. There’s nothing like sitting on your board waiting for the next wave to come.

If you’re on the water every day without ear protection, though, you’re putting yourself at risk. Too much exposure to wind and cold water can cause surfers ear.

Surfers’ ear is a condition where the ear canal bone develops bony lumps. It causes pain, infections, and narrowing of the ear canal.

Your best defense against this condition is to invest in high-quality earplugs. There are options on the market that allow sound in while still keeping water out.

Bring the Outdoor Essentials for Your Surf Trip

You can’t leave for your next surf trip without the right outdoor essentials on hand.

Now you know what to pack for surfing, how about learning what else you need to pack for your vacation? Keep reading our blog to find out current styles and trends to keep you looking fresh on your trip.