dull blotchy skin

Skincare is a $17 billion industry in the US alone.

There’s nothing wrong with being imperfect because all of us are in some ways. All of us will never have a perfect smile or diet.

However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t or shouldn’t fix something about ourselves if it would make us feel better! Perhaps you have dull skin, for instance, and want to do something about it.

We can tell you why dull skin happens and what you can do to amend it in the paragraphs below.

1. Exfoliate

Sometimes, dull skin and dead skin are the same. Like the rest of us, our skin is a living organism made up of cells. These cells are dying and reproducing all the time, eventually giving us a brand new layer of skin.

The bad news is that these layers of skin are built much like a puzzle. They’re linked together so tightly that they don’t always fall off when they die.

To remove dead skin, you will need to exfoliate once or twice per week. In the same way that washing your hair gets rid of dandruff, which is also dead skin, washing your face also gets rid of dead skin.

You’ll need to know your skin before doing this. How sensitive is it and how powerful of an exfoliant do you need?

2. Hydrate

If you want your skin to be at its best, it’s important the rest of you is too. You may want to increase your water intake so that your body isn’t dehydrated. Some say that eight glasses per day is ideal.

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Of course, drinking water isn’t always enough, so you’ll want to moisturize your skin if you aren’t already.

There are a lot of benefits to washing your face regularly. Not only does it keep your skin from drying out, but it can help with acne as long as you don’t do it too often. Moisturizing with a good face cream or lotion after is essential.

3. Relieve Stress

Like so many health problems, dull skin can be caused by stress. One way to target your skin specifically is to massage your face the next time you go to exfoliate or moisturize.

You might also try reducing stress in your life, which can help your skin stay healthy and keep you looking younger. If you’d prefer to tip the scales in your favor, there’s also retinol cream.

4. Sleep

In this confusing, hectic world, it’s way too easy to fall behind on sleep. Unfortunately, this will have consequences for your skin!

There’s always the traditional methods of exfoliating, moisturizing, and using creams to get good skin. However, the best way to deal with this issue is to get more sleep. Without enough sleep, all of the creams in the world won’t help you.

How to Deal with Dull Skin

Dull skin can be a difficult problem to deal with, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. There are plenty of ways to deal with dull skin.

We’ve mentioned only a few of them in the paragraphs above. We encourage you to do more research on your own if you’re interested.

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