Septorhinoplasty vs Rhinoplasty

Did you know that 62% of procedures performed on women in 2021 are rhinoplasty?

Septorhinoplasty is similar to regular rhinoplasty. Both procedures are designed to correct a variety of breathing and cosmetic issues. But if you’re asking what is septorhinoplasty vs rhinoplasty, then you’ve come to the right place.

With the right information, you can decide what procedure is right for you. Let’s take a look!

Septorhinoplasty vs Rhinoplasty: Procedure

Septorhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum. This is a common cause of difficulty breathing.

The septum is the bone and cartilage that divide the nostrils. The surgeon will make an incision in the nose and then reposition the septum to the midline.

In some cases, the surgeon may also need to remove some of the bone or cartilage to achieve the desired results. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia. It takes about 2 hours to complete.

A rhinoplasty procedure is a cosmetic surgery procedure that changes the shape of your nose. It is usually done to improve the appearance of your nose, but it can also improve your breathing.

The surgeon will make cuts inside your nose or across the columella. This is the strip of skin between your nostrils.

They will then reshape the bone and cartilage underneath. The skin is then pulled down over the new shape and any excess is removed. The incisions are then closed with stitches.

The Risks

Septorhinoplasty is a more invasive surgery, so it has more risks than rhinoplasty. However, it can also correct more problems than rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is less invasive, but it can only correct minor problems.

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It is a more complex procedure than traditional rhinoplasty. It carries with it a higher risk of complications. These can include bleeding, infection, and damage to the septum.

Additionally, the results are often less predictable than those of traditional rhinoplasty. Patients may feel disappointed with their results.

The Recovery

Septorhinoplasty often takes around two weeks for a full recovery. Rhinoplasty by Dr. Halaas generally has a shorter recovery time of around one week.

It is important to note that both types of nose jobs will have some swelling and bruising around the eyes. This should go down after a few days.

The Cost

The rhinoplasty costs can range from $5,000 to $10,000. The cost of septorhinoplasty is usually around $2,000 to $3,000. But, there are a few things to consider when comparing the two procedures.

Rhinoplasty is usually considered a cosmetic procedure. Septorhinoplasty on the other hand is considered a medical procedure.

The decision of which procedure to undergo should be based on a number of factors. This includes the severity of the condition, the desired results, and the budget.

Understanding the Difference Between Rhinoplasty vs Septorhinoplasty

There are many differences between septorhinoplasty vs rhinoplasty. The most important difference is that septorhinoplasty is a much more complex procedure.

If you are considering these procedures, be sure to discuss your goals with your surgeon. This is to ensure you choose the right procedure for you.

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