Types of Hair Loss

Did you know that even the healthiest hair only grows half an inch every month? 

Everyone likes to feel great about themselves; sporting luscious, healthy hair is a great way to feel bold and sexy. However, it’s not always that easy! 

There are several different types of hair loss that can affect men and women at any age. The causes of hair loss are varied, as is hair loss treatment. The first step to hair loss prevention is understanding which type of hair loss you might have. 

If you want to understand more about hair loss, read on to find out more. 

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss; it’s commonly referred to as pattern hair loss and affects both men and women. 

In men, it usually starts at any age after puberty and begins at the temples. It leaves a ring of hair on the head and finally progresses to baldness in advanced stages. 

In women, hair thins all over the scalp, but the hairline doesn’t usually recede. Female pattern baldness is an ordinary sign of aging but rarely leads to baldness. 

Both men and women can access this service to treat androgenetic alopecia and restore their beautiful hair.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium happens when many hair follicles enter the resting phase instead of the growth phase. This causes hair to fall out and thin all over the scalp. 

Telogen effluvium often happens after stressful experiences or taking certain medications. Other reasons for this kind of hair loss include vitamin or mineral deficiencies, thyroid hormone imbalance, and severe fevers.

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People usually notice the effects of telogen effluvium around three months after the trigger. This type of hair loss can affect men and women, but it is usually temporary and rarely leads to baldness. 

Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium is a severe type of hair loss that happens after some medical treatments. The most common cause is chemotherapy. 

Some medications shut down hair follicle production, and each hair falls out suddenly. However, this is temporary, and hair grows back normally after the treatment is finished. 

Tinea Capitis

Tinea Capitis is better known as scalp ringworm. It’s a fungal infection that makes hair fall out in patches, rings, and bald spots. This type of hair loss is most common in children. 

Fortunately, anti-fungal medications are available, and hair regrows normally when the infection is gone. 

The Different Types of Hair Loss Explained

Many people all over the world suffer from hair loss. However, not all hair loss is the same; if you want treatment, you must first understand the different types of hair loss. Hopefully, this guide has provided some insight. 

So, now you understand more about hair loss, you should be ready to book an appointment to restore your natural hair! 

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