Different Tie Design

So, you have to put on a suit tie for the first time in a long time and you’re not quite sure what you’re doing.

Perhaps it’s a wedding, or maybe it’s a job interview. Regardless, you’re not quite sure what kind of tie you need in order to look the part.

Well, a basic tie guide isn’t all that hard to follow. So, as long as you know what to do, and more importantly, what not to do, you should be able to find the perfect tie for you!

What color tie should you purchase? What about patterns, are they okay to wear in a professional setting? And what size tie should you look for when shopping?

We’ve got all the answers you need in order to look great in your suit and tie in this article. Now then, let’s get started!

1. Pick Your Colors Wisely

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when selecting a tie is choosing one that is the wrong color. Matching your tie with the rest of your outfit is without a doubt the most important part of selecting a tie.

A pro tip? Use an online color combination generator to help you find the right tie color for you. These generators can also help you make sure your entire outfit goes well together, which can be helpful if you’re not into fashion.

2. Don’t Mismatch Your Patterns

While colors that go well together are important, there are still mistakes you can make even if you pick the right color scheme. Mismatching your patterns can also completely ruin your entire outfit, which of course isn’t what you want.

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The best way to avoid this is to limit yourself to one pattern for your entire outfit. That means if your suit has a pattern, you need to have a tie that isn’t patterned. And if your like floral ties or other patterns, your suit should be a solid color without a pattern.

3. Know When to Keep it Simple

To piggyback off of that last point, if you’re not the most fashionable person, it’s a good idea to keep your entire outfit simple. That, of course, includes your tie and the colors and patterns that you decide to go with.

Also, if you’re looking for inspiration or a guide to follow, look at what the mannequins in the store are wearing. Odds are you can find the pieces to the exact outfit nearby, allowing you to recreate a snazzy look without having to make any decisions yourself.

4. Pick the Right Tie Width

Like most pieces of clothing, you need to pick a tie that is flattering to your body type. And while there aren’t that many options to choose from, there’s enough room for error that you need to be careful.

Tie width, in particular, is extremely important when picking out a tie. The good news? Picking the right tie width for you isn’t complicated, especially if you know what to look for.

If you’ve got a wider upper body, you should look for a wider tie. And if your upper body is more narrow, a skinny tie would most likely look the best on your frame.

5. Tie Your Tie Correctly

Even if you make all the right choices with your tie in regards to size and color, you can still make yourself look bad by tying it the wrong way.

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The best way to avoid this issue is to practice tying your tie in the mirror often, that way you can perfect the process before you need to wear it out.

Also, if someone nearby is better at tying your tie than you, don’t be afraid to ask for help. They also might have a better way to tie it than you’re currently using, so pay close attention to what it is they’re doing when they tie your tie.

6. Go for Quality Over Quantity

If you currently don’t have any ties, and you’re getting ready to purchase some, be sure to go for quality over quantity.

Having a ton of ties to choose from may seem like a good idea. But if they’re all cheaply made, you’re not going to look as good as you could if you only had a few quality ties.

Believe it or not, you can find some really nice, quality ties for cheap at your local thrift stores. So if you’re working with a tight budget, don’t be afraid to browse local thrift stores for some cheaper ties.

Follow This Tie Guide to Always Look Your Best

Well, there you have it! A basic tie guide for beginners! So, if you’re not the most fashionable individual, you can use this guide to make sure you look great for whatever it is you’re dressing up for!

Remember, colors and patterns are extremely important. So, if you’re not quite sure what you’re doing, be sure to keep things simple and go with colors that you know look great together.

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Pick a tie that fits you and your body type. Also, make sure that you, or someone you know, ties your tie the right way, as it’s impossible to make a tie look good if it isn’t tied correctly.

Last but not least, don’t feel obligated to buy a ton of ties at once. Go for quality over quantity, and slowly purchase ties over time, that way you can build up your collection the right way.

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