
Your wristwatch can add an extra dimension of fashion to any wardrobe…

But only if it’s clean.

A dirty watch is noticeable, and it will draw attention away from the rest of your outfit — and not in a good way. If your watch has reached that stage, it’s time to bust out the tools and start cleaning.

Don’t worry. The process isn’t hard.

Check out this guide to learn how to clean a watch the right way.

Separate the Face from the Band

Before you start cleaning your watch, you’ll want to separate the watch face from the watch band if you can.

This will ensure you don’t get the wrong type of cleaning material on the wrong part of the watch, which could do more harm than good. It will also allow you to thoroughly clean each part of the watch — something that can be hard to do if the watch is still put together.

Depending on the type of watch you have, you might not be able to take it apart.

That’s okay.

You’ll just have to be more careful as you’re cleaning it.

How to Wash the Watch Face

You don’t need any heavy-duty or special cleaning products to wash your watch. In fact, you probably already have everything you need lying around the house.

Here’s a closer look at the supplies you’ll need to gather before you can start cleaning your watch face.

What You’ll Need

You can clean most watches with a bit of mild soap and a soft cloth. So make sure you have the following items:

  • Mild detergent
  • Warm water
  • Soft cloth (or soft-bristled toothbrush)
  • Q-tips
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If your watch face doesn’t have any crystals or other markings, you can get by without the Q-tips.

What to Do

Fill a bowl with warm water and mix in a few drops of your detergent of choice (make sure it’s non-abrasive).

Dip the cloth or toothbrush into the soapy water and rub it over the surface of your watch face. Avoid putting pressure behind your scrubs. All you’re trying to do is wipe away the sweat, dirt, and other grime that’s built up on the glass.

If you’re not careful, you might accidentally scrape some of the paint off.

You can use a Q-tip to wash around crystals and markings. But again, don’t use too much force. Just dip the Q-tip in the soapy water and roll it back and forth around the area you’re cleaning.

How to Wash the Watch Band

Watch bands can be made from a variety of materials, so depending on what type you have, your washing method may vary.

We’ve put together a quick list about how to watch the most common watch band materials so you know where to start.

Metal Bands

A metal watch band can be made from gold, stainless steel, silver, and other types of metal. It’s important to clean these metals often because sweat and salt can make them start to rust over time.

The best way to clean metal watch bands is to mix warm water with a mild detergent. Use a soft cloth or toothbrush to scrub any dirt, rust, or other debris off your band.

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Let the band air dry when you’re done. Don’t put it back on until all the water has dried off.

Leather Bands

You have to be careful when you’re washing leather watch bands because it’s not hard to damage the material.

To clean your leather band, start by rubbing it down with a damp cloth. For most leathers, that should be all it needs. If your leather is exceptionally dirty or has an unpleasant smell, you can add a touch of hand soap to your water.

Dry the leather with a clean cloth before attaching the watch face again.

Nylon Bands

Because nylon bands are made of rubber, they’re the easiest type of material to clean.

But don’t make this mistake of thinking this means your nylon band doesn’t need a lot of attention. If you don’t take the time to clean your nylon band, it can absorb the sweat and oil from your skin, which can cause it to crack.

Mix some warm water and soap together in a bowl. Dip a cloth or soft-bristled toothbrush into the cleaner and scrub the watch band. When you’re done, rinse it with clean water.

Let it air dry completely before wearing.

Send It to a Professional

If you’re worried about damaging your watch when you wash it, you can always send it to the professionals instead. They can get your watch shining again for you.

If your watch is particularly old and dirty, it may also be time to consider buying a new watch. It might even be time to leave your basic watch behind and upgrade to some ladies luxury watches instead.

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Don’t Clean Vintage Watches on Your Own

You should never attempt to clean a vintage watch on your own.


Because many vintage watches are made with radium. If you don’t know how to properly clean this type of watch, that radium could be dangerous.

Instead, take your vintage watch to a specialty jewelry store. The professionals will know how to handle your watch and clean it safely.

How to Clean a Watch the Right Way

If you don’t clean your watch, the band can start to rust, crack, or wear down. This can cause the watch to break or stop working long before it should.

But when it comes to washing it, you have to know how to clean a watch the right way. Washing leather the same way you wash stainless steel will do you more harm than good.

Did you decide to buy a new watch after all?

Click here to learn how to choose the best style for you.