woman with hat

We all want to look our best and as we age we search for the keys to slow down the clock for our skin. 

The beauty regiment that you used when you were younger may need to be updated to keep skin looking radiant and fresh. 

Fortunately, there are several anti-aging methods that are both easy and effective. 

Let’s break down 8 of them. 

You Are What You Eat

Your diet not only impacts your weight and overall health, but it also affects your skin. 

Fruits and vegetables that contain natural antioxidants like Vitamin B and E are especially good for your skin. Chickpeas are a great source of B6. Sunflower seeds and almonds are rich in Vitamin E and are great anti-aging foods. 

Protein plays a vital role in your anti-aging quest. Protein contains collagen, which provides structure and strength to the skin. Including protein in your diet increases the level of collagen and creates firmer skin that is resistant to wrinkles. 

Your hair and nails also need protein to remain healthy. Good sources of protein include eggs, poultry, fish and grain-fed meat. 

You Are What You Drink

You can never underestimate the importance of water in your anti-aging fight. 

As you age, your water reserve gets lower. Skin that is dehydrated becomes tight and will flake. Dry skin is prone to wrinkles and less resilient. 

Water is also the delivery agent for the nutrients that keep your skin cells healthy. It takes a concerted effort to drink enough water. You should aim for 7-9 glasses of water every day.

On the opposite side, beware of drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol will cause dehydration. Excessive amounts will make the skin look dry and dull. 


In addition to the benefits of a healthy diet and water, supplements can also be used to aid in your quest to fight aging. 

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Collagen is the bedrock of healthy skin, nails, and hair. It forms protective tissue and supports a youthful appearance. 

Many collagen additives are limited and not strong enough to make a lasting difference. For a complete collagen supplement shop now and reap the benefits of a perfect combination of new collagen and protection against your body’s natural production. 

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is a good anti-aging product. 

This supplement protects cells from damage and can even repair the skin from the inside out. It works great to combat sun damage. 

It also helps reduce the signs of premature aging by UV rays. 


Zinc is a vital mineral that is involved in major bodily functions. 

It works with cell replication and works to regulate white blood cells. 

Zinc also works with muscle repair and helps counter the effects of aging. It helps the skin, hair, and nails look and feel younger. 

No Smoking

Smoking is one of the most devastating things you can do to your skin. 

Carbon monoxide is found in cigarette smoke and this disturbs the oxygen on your skin. The nicotine leaves skin discolored and dry. 

Smoking also makes you age quicker by increasing wrinkles and causing color changes in your skin. It reduces vital nutrients in your skin, like vitamin C that helps repair and protect the skin. 

Deciding to quit smoking will make a huge difference in the overall look and feel of your skin and the changes can be seen very shortly after you stop. 

Anti-Aging Methods While You Sleep 

Isn’t it great to know that even while you are sleeping, if you make a few changes, you are creating a more youthful appearance?

Satin Pillow

You should switch to a satin or silk pillowcase. This material is much easier on the delicate skin found on your face. Other materials pull and crease your skin. Using satin eliminates that friction and slows down the look of fine lines and wrinkles.  

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Sleep on Your Back


Sleeping on your side has been shown to form lines on the cheek and face by the constant pressure throughout the night. 

Switching to become a back-sleeper may help prevent, or at least slow down those wrinkles. 

Sleeping on your back also has other health benefits such as relief for back pain and helps with acid reflux during the night. 

Wash Your Face

This one seems simple, and most people do it, but did you know how important it is to your skin? Clean skin regenerates during the night, and this function works to keep you looking fresh and youthful.

Night time is also the best time to use your skin care products so they have a chance to get in on the renewal action and provide the best benefits. 

Speaking of Wrinkle Cream

There are countless wrinkle creams and anti-aging products on the market. They range from drug store varieties to the products used by the rich and famous. 

To find out which cream works best with your skin will involve a little bit of trial and error. Each person’s skin is different and there are also environmental influences as well. Not all high priced creams work for everyone, and there are a few really good drug store serums that are effective. 

One of the main ingredients you should look for though is a retinoid. A retinoid is a by-product of vitamin A and speeds up cell regeneration. This is the process that creates younger looking skin. 

In addition to creams and serums, the makeup you choose can help in your anti-aging battle. There are also blemish-hiding foundations to help create a flawless look. 

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Reduce Your Stress

Stress does more than affect your mental health. Stress hormones make you age quicker and it starts on a cellular level. 

The impact of stress and worry cause damage throughout the body and can lead to premature aging and a tired, washout look.

Work on ways to eliminate stress from your life. Take up meditation or yoga. You should try to get more rest. Look at the activities (or people) in your life and decide if any of them put unnecessary burdens on you. 

Learn to stand up for yourself. Practice self-love and self-care; both for your physical health and also to help fight the aging process. 


You have heard it a million times, but that is because it is true. Sunscreen is one of the most important things you can do to protect your skin from aging. 

Not only does sun exposure cause wrinkles, but it also causes dark spots that show up on your face and hands. 

Also, it is not just the day at the beach or golf course that needs an SPF. Daily exposure to the sun causes damage and can lead to faster aging. 

Use a sunscreen every day and help protect against the rays and exposure that will damage your delicate skin.

Don’t forget to use sunscreen on the back of your hands. It is an often missed spot and can tremendously reduce dark spots. 

Aging Your Way

Aging is a part of life. The goal is not to look 25 forever but to age gracefully by taking the very best care of yourself. 

Your anti-aging plan is to maintain healthy skin with a natural glow and feed both your body and soul with good things. 

Feeling great about yourself should always be your priority. 

For more anti-aging methods and tips to looking younger check this out.