Walking for Weight Loss

Did you know that adding just 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine can help you burn about 150 more calories each day?

There are a number of factors that contribute to the exact number, of course, but the point is that a simple change can mean a big impact on your overall health. Walking for weight loss isn’t always easy, though, and that’s why we’re here to help.

Read on to learn a few of the best walking tips to help you get started.

Set a Step Goal

No matter what your current step count is, it’s definitely possible to increase it. It’s especially easy to do this if you have a certain number in mind.

A lot of people aim for 15,000 to 20,000 steps each day, and it’s considered an ideal amount by a number of experts. The best part about this tip? You don’t have to take it slowly.

If you want to increase your step count, then you can just do it. You don’t have to worry about building up to it or taking your time to get there.

Add Intervals

What you should work up to — especially if you’ve been sedentary for some time — is adding intervals in your walks. You can add in either speed walking sessions or even jogging if you’d like, but it’s proven that intervals can actually help you burn more fat in the long run.

If this sounds like too much right now, though, you don’t have to worry. The only goal you need to have in mind for losing weight is doing more than you are at this moment.

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Invest in Good Shoes

Another great thing you should definitely do when you’re starting to walk more is to invest in good shoes. Taking care of your body while you’re exercising is important.

If you invest in a good pair and find that your feet still hurt, though, you might also need to look into visiting a foot specialist for recommendations specific to your body.

Focus On Form and Posture

Your shoes might not be the only thing contributing to the soreness you might experience, though. Walking is a relatively low-impact exercise, so if you’re experiencing problems, it might be due to your walking form.

Remember, keep your head up, lengthen your back, keep your shoulders down and back, and swing your arms. Maintaining proper form can help a lot when you’re starting to walk again.

Ready to Start Walking for Weight Loss?

Now that we’ve gone over a few of the basics, are you ready to start walking for weight loss? Whether you have plenty of time in the mornings or you’re simply looking to start incorporating a few quick steps throughout the day, the health benefits of walking are hard to ignore.

They’re also really easy to win yourself over with, and they’re perfect for helping you get back to your best self.

For more on the latest in lifestyle and exercise, check out the rest of our website.