Near Infrared Light Therapy for Joint Pains

Are you thinking about using infrared therapy to get relief from pain? Do you want to improve the complexion of your skin or increase the healing rate of your wounds?

Infrared light therapy may be the thing you need.

Know that those aren’t the only things that infrared therapy can cure. In this guide, we’ll tell you all about what near infrared light therapy can do for you. Keep reading below to know the benefits of buying infrared light therapy devices.

1. What Is Near Infrared Light Therapy?

Red light therapy (RLT) or infrared light therapy is a light-based method to treat various conditions or inflammations. It applies to various parts of the body, from your Achilles heel to your scalp. Most people know it for its therapeutic benefits for skin conditions.

Today, many industries, often those connected to medicine, use infrared therapy. Some examples include the fields of medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. Other names for RLT include biostimulation, cold laser therapy, and low-power laser therapy.

In the early 1990s, scientists used red LEDs to grow plants in space. They realized the light helped promote the growth and photosynthesis of plant cells. Thus, they began to study their effects on human cells.

How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

Red light produces a biochemical effect on our cells. It causes the mitochondria, the powerhouse of a cell, to create more energy. The more efficient your cells are, the faster it can rejuvenate and repair the damage.

RLT doesn’t cause damage to the surface of the skin. Compare this with laser therapy, which uses light to create controlled damage to the skin. The damage done to the skin induces tissue repair.

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Infrared light used for therapy has three ranges. These are near-, mid-range, and far-infrared light. Each one uses infrared light in specific wavelengths and has different health benefits.

For example, far infrared light can penetrate the tissues the deepest. It can generate heat to reduce oxidative stress and fatigue. Mid-range infrared light can help expand blood vessels to increase circulation.

The wavelengths of near infrared light therapy go between 700 – 1400 nm. Compared to mid- and far-infrared light, near-infrared light generates the most heat. However, its reach into human tissues isn’t deep.

2. What Are the Benefits of Near Infrared Light Therapy?

There are many benefits that infrared light therapy offers. We’ll focus on the health benefits of near infrared light therapy. Below is a list of its various health benefits.

Before we go further, the biggest benefit of red light therapy is its safety and effectiveness. It’s a natural skin treatment that doesn’t harm you before it’ll heal you. This is why many skincare professionals recommend it.

We also know that red light therapy is safe because there’s a large base of clinical research on it. With that said, let’s proceed to some of the benefits of near infrared light therapy.

Remedies Pain and Inflammation

As we mentioned, when near-infrared light penetrates your skin, it can improve circulation. Better circulation in the skin and other body parts brings more oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues. This promotes faster healing and relieves inflammation.

Many people use near infrared light therapy for joint and tendon treatment. It acts as a short-term treatment for people with carpal tunnel syndrome. It provides relief for pain and inflammation in the Achilles tendons as well.

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It’s most helpful for improving joint health for people with degenerative osteoarthritis. Since it doesn’t harm the skin, it’s a good treatment for elders who need relief from their osteoarthritis.

Because it speeds up the repair process in your body, you can use it to heal muscular injuries faster.

It Benefits Cardiovascular Health

Another thing that near infrared light therapy improves is your cardiovascular health. The infrared light helps you produce more nitric oxide. This molecule helps keep your blood vessels healthy.

Nitric oxide improves your blood circulation and prevents blood clots in your vessels. For those who often experience high blood pressure, this is a good treatment to consider. Nitric oxide also helps you avoid oxidative stress.

Improves Skin Complexion and Detoxifies

The reason why so many saunas are now using infrared-light therapy is that it detoxifies at a cellular level. Detoxification is important to strengthen your immune system. This detoxification can also lead to improved digestion.

If you want to get healthier and younger-looking skin, infrared light therapy is one way to get it. Infrared light boosts collagen production, giving your skin a healthier glow. Note that infrared doesn’t only boost your complexion.

It also helps in diminishing scars and wrinkles. It can also help reduce lesions from psoriasis. If you have sun-damaged skin, you can also use infrared therapy light to increase its healing rate.

The thing that makes infrared light therapy great for your skin is that it doesn’t damage it first before it heals your skin. The rate of tissue repair increases under infrared light therapy. This therapy also helps prevent recurring cold sores from infections like herpes simplex.

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Develops Hair Growth

Androgenic alopecia is a big problem that many feel they need to cover up. According to doctors, 80% of white men may lose their hair by their 70th birthday. Depending on their genetics, some men may lose their hair sooner.

While hair growers are available, not everyone is keen on using them. For some people, hair growth creams don’t work at all. If you want a treatment that improves hair growth, use red light therapy.

Consider Infrared Light Therapy

Indeed, infrared light therapy can help treat many conditions. However, there are many more out there that some claim it can treat. If you plan to use infrared light therapy, research if it helps your condition.

A little research can go a long way, especially when you’re banking on your health.

Now you understand more about near infrared light therapy and why you may need it. We hope we helped you learn a little more about this form of therapy. If you enjoyed this post on infrared light therapy benefits, read our other guides as well.