Female Curves

Did you know that the body fat to lean tissue ratio for men is lower than for women? That’s one of the reasons why women tend to have curves while men instead have more lean muscle. Female curves are beautiful but you might be wondering how those curves fall into all the right places and why some women have more curves than others. 

The hourglass figure is the body shape that best highlights a woman’s curves and it is also one of the most sought-after body shapes. However, not all women are shaped like that and that’s completely natural. But if you did want to achieve an hourglass shape, what would you need to do to get it?

Keep reading and learn more about the science behind the curvy body type below.

Body Physiology

The secret behind female curves is excess fat. Many women may be terrified at the idea of having excess fat on their bodies. These days, being lean and muscular is in fashion for both men and women, but there is still a certain allure about curvy women that lean muscle can’t compete with. 

Keep in mind that curvy does not mean obese. Curvy women can come in all different sizes and weights. You can even find women who are skinny and curvy at the same time. 

Being curvy can give women an especially youthful appearance, but why are some women curvier than others? Of course, having a bit of extra weight will help your body become softer and curvier, but it isn’t quite that easy. When some women gain weight, the fat may cluster around their stomachs instead of around their breasts and hips to create the perfect hourglass shape. 

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The reason for this has to do with what kind of body shape you have. Some people are more likely to gain weight in certain areas of their bodies than others. For example, the apple body shape tends to gain weight in the stomach region while the rest of the body will remain relatively slim.

On the other hand, the pear body shape tends to gain weight in the hips and thighs but not in the breasts. The hourglass body shape is the most balanced body shape and this shape gains weight equally in the breasts and hips while the waist remains relatively slim. If you don’t naturally have an hourglass shape, it can be difficult to mold your body into this kind of shape. 

However, it isn’t impossible. If you really want an hourglass shape, there are a few things you can do.

Diet, Exercise, and Use Shapewear

Diet and exercise, of course, are the main secrets behind healthy and attractive bodies. If you are overweight, you might have an hourglass figure without even knowing it. By losing weight and getting fit, you will better be able to see what kind of body shape you might have. 

Even if you don’t have an hourglass figure, there are still some exercises you can try to shape your body in a particular way. The focal point of the hourglass figure is the narrow waist. It is also one of the hardest aspects of this shape to achieve. 

If you gain weight, you might gain it in your hips and breasts which is a good start for an hourglass figure, but you might also gain too much weight in your waist, ruining the hourglass silhouette. A good way to combat this is to do exercises that focus on your waist. Crunches, for example, are ideal for toning your abdominal muscles and tightening your waist. 

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On the other hand, squats are very good for shaping your hips and rear. As for your diet, you will want to eat plenty of healthy fats like avocados (but don’t go overboard, of course). You will want to keep your body fat in all the right places and you will want to avoid being too skinny because your curves won’t be as dramatic as you might want them to be. 

On the other hand, you won’t want to gain too much weight because your curves might start to lump together. For an extra boost, you can experiment with different types of shapewear. Many types of shapewear are designed to give women an hourglass figure. 

For example, a waist cincher will shrink your waist while emphasizing your hips and breasts. 

Consider Cosmetic Surgery

If you aren’t happy with your body and find that the previous methods aren’t helping you achieve the body that you want, you might have to try surgery. Many women who want an hourglass shape try breast augmentation surgery. This surgery involves changing the shape and size of your breasts. 

This is of particular significance for women who have small breasts or have trouble gaining weight in their breasts. This is especially true if these women have curvy hips but are skinny on top. By getting breast augmentation surgery, these women can balance out their figures and achieve the hourglass shape that they were looking for. 

There are also other options such as body sculpting. Body sculpting treatments aim to remove fat from certain parts of the body, most notably the waist. Some women may want to sculpt their thighs and rear into smoother shapes as well. 

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Everything You Need to Know About Female Curves

Female curves are beautiful, but they can be hard to achieve if you don’t naturally have an hourglass figure. Fortunately, there are several ways to achieve a curvier figure. By dieting, exercising, experimenting with shapewear, or having surgery, you can get the curvy figure you’ve always wanted. 

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