Stem Cell Facial

Imagine you’re a sorcerer who can make severed limbs regenerate. What spell would you cast if a close friend loses an arm, and what kind of enhancement would you use?

It’s easier to leave the matter to magic because human limb regeneration from a scientific point of view is impossible at the moment. Sure, adult stem cells can develop into blood vessels and nerves, but they can’t regrow into an entire arm.

That doesn’t mean stem cells aren’t worth the hype. While they won’t help if you lose a leg, a stem cell facial, for example, can help you look years younger. 

Speaking of stem cell facial treatments, are you wondering if they’re worth it? Read on for some quick facts about them.

What’s a Stem Cell Facial?

Before discussing what a stem cell facial is, let’s review what stem cells are. First, stem cells are undifferentiated or blank cells that can split, self-renew, or transform into specialized cells. 

They can be administered to different body sites, including knees, hands, and, of course, the face. A stem cell facial treatment is worth considering if you have pronounced wrinkles, sagging skin, drooping cheeks, and so on. 

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, a stem cell anti-aging facial treatment doesn’t require surgical incisions. Your doctor will harvest stem cells from your blood or fat storage sites (e.g., thighs, hips, and abdomen). Then, once the cells are purified, your doctor will inject them into your face.

How Effective Are Stem Cell Facials?

Unlike dermal fillers, stem cells aren’t foreign substances. You can say that the process of how they increase the volume and improve the face’s structure is more natural. Since stem cells can recognize and repair damaged tissues, rejuvenating facial skin is something they can do with minimal side effects. 

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Patients who’ve tried this anti-aging facial report results that last up to 18 months. Factors affecting the procedure’s success include sunlight exposure, diet, smoking, and skincare regimen. 

Other things people like about stem cell facials are the rapid recovery timeline, minimal skin swelling, and zero use of general anesthesia. However, there is a downside. While many consider it the best anti-aging facial treatment, it’s pretty expensive, with one session costing around $18,000 to $28,000.

More on Stem Cell Facial Treatments

Although the procedure doesn’t use general anesthesia, your doctor may still apply a numbing agent. The treatment takes less than two hours, but if you include the liposuction for harvesting stem cells, the whole thing lasts about four to five hours.

Most patients can return to their daily routine within three days. Some take about ten days, but this usually happens to patients who experience swelling after an injection.  

To maximize stem cell facial results, it helps to stick to an effective skincare routine. Don’t forget the basics–cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, and be sure to do extra treatments like a hydrafacial at home

Stem Cells, the Elixir of Youth

Now that you know what to expect from a stem cell facial, do you think it’s something you’ll try in the future?

While there’s nothing magical about stem cells, the results they deliver are quite fantastic. If you feel stem cell facials are too expensive, though, you can always go for other treatments.

Check out our other posts to learn more about cosmetic procedures and other beauty tips.

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