Luxury Bedroom Ideas

Does your bedroom feel bland, outdated, and uninspiring?

Do you wish it more of a designer feel, evoking that lovely feeling when you step into a fancy hotel?

With these luxury bedroom ideas, you can! There are lots of ways you can simply freshen up a bedroom, giving it a more rich, updated feel that will make you never want to get out of bed

Read on to learn some of the best ways you can transform your bedroom into something amazing.

1. Upgrade Your Lampshades

An affordable way to glam up your bedroom is to switch your lampshades. Replace your tired, dusty shades with something fresher. Lampshades are purchased separately from lamps, so you can easily keep your existing lamps and give them a clean new look.

There are a lot of trendy shapes in lampshades to look for, including square, drum, oval, and empire, which is the traditional conical style.

2. Dress up the Bed

If you want your room to have that luxury bedroom design you see in a hotel, start with the bed. Invest in lush, high thread count sheets, so it feels like heaven sliding into bed at night.

Layer pillows, including throw pillows, a supple duvet or comforter, and drape a soft wool or cotton throw on the end of the bed. Look for a variety of fabrics and color patterns that will add texture and variety, creating an inviting and luxury look.

3. Try out New Curtains

Curtains can change an average room to a fantastic one. Ditch the boxy old curtains or 90s mini blinds for thick, wonderful drapes. Curtains add texture and warmth to a room, especially when paired with an elegant curtain rod. Draw them back during the day with a curtain tie and let the light stream in.

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For expert interior design assistance with curtains, bedrooms, and more, contact Cheryl Kees Clendenon to get started.

4. Declutter

A cluttered bedroom does not look fabulous. It looks messy, smaller, and will distract from the luxury designs you’ve worked to put into your space.

It’s simple to declutter and get into a new routine — donate or toss items you’re no longer using, set up an organizational system so every item has a place to live, and avoid the bad habit of leaving clothes on the floor.

5. Hang a Light Fixture

Adding new lights can be a beautiful way to add appeal to a room. If you can, add a hanging light fixture in the center of the room or above the bed. A small chandelier or pendant light will look stunning and can really tie the room together.

If you’re renting and you can’t install a hanging light, get a similar look with one or two tall standing lamps. There are all sorts of styles, from minimalist to artistic, and they can easily be a feature piece for the bedroom — with the bonus of providing some extra reading light.

Upgrade Your Style With These Luxury Bedroom Ideas

With these luxury bedroom ideas, you can easily upgrade your bedroom haven into something beautiful, welcoming, and stylish. Even a small accessory or a fresh coat of paint can create a new look, so you can have style on any budget.

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