Person with Natural Glowing Skin

Are you sick and tired of dealing with endless breakouts? Do you need to find another way to take care of your dry or sensitive skin?

The average American woman spends $300 or more each month on makeup and skincare products. The question is, are they really working?

If you’re wondering how to get glowing skin naturally, this article’s for you. We’ll give you the lowdown on how to leave acne behind forever.

1. Skip the Foundation

The first step in how to make your skin glow is to go makeup-free for at least a week.

Scented lotions frequently cause acne. So does concealer and even some shampoos. Your foundation and cover-up are actually the problems, not the solution.

Even hypoallergenic makeup can build up over time, causing acne and irritation. If you have a rash that seems permanent, you could be allergic to your makeup.

Once you stop wearing makeup every day, your skin may take a week or longer to clear up. Be patient and wash your face twice per day with a gentle cleanser.

As your face clears, you may find that you have whiteheads surfacing.

The problem with squeezing acne is that it can give you scars. It can also make your acne worse by forcing bacteria deeper into your pores.

Try not to squeeze pimples yourself but go to a licensed aesthetician or dermatologist for professional treatment. They have special tools that will remove even tough, deep, acne breakouts.

2. Drink Infused Water

No list of tips for making your skin glow would be complete without mentioning drinking water. If you take one piece of advice with you from this article, it’s this: drink more water.

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If you’re not enthusiastic about drinking water, you can easily infuse it with delicious flavors including

  • cucumber
  • lemon
  • mint
  • berries
  • melon

Just cut up small pieces of these fruits and veggies and let them soak into your water overnight. Strain the water before drinking and use the fruit pieces in your next smoothie – or just eat them!

Another popular anti-inflammatory drink is cinnamon in water with a pinch of salt. Turmeric, black pepper, and green tea are also known for their ability to fight inflammation.

3. Check Your Diet

Quick question: how much garlic do you eat? If the answer is “none,” you might want to start working it into your routine.

Garlic is an antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory superfood that helps rid the body of the bacteria that often causes acne. In addition to making food taste great, garlic can be used directly on your skin.

As an experiment, buy some fresh garlic and crush it up. Apply it to one small section of your face or back, leave it on for half an hour, and see whether it reduces surface inflammation.

Drinking garlic-infused water isn’t for everyone, but it’s an easy way to incorporate garlic into your diet. Just take one cup of water and let the crushed garlic soak for two hours, then drink or pour into soup.

Other foods that are acne-killers are carrots, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and blueberries. Nuts, avocados, and salmon are also great because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

You might think that chocolate would be a no-no, but it’s okay to eat on an anti-acne diet. It doesn’t clog pores, contrary to popular belief.

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4. Upgrade Your Skincare Products

Need to know how to get glowing skin naturally without wearing makeup? The trick is to invest in quality skincare products.

The thing about acne is that it can be stubborn. Even if you don’t wear any makeup, drink lots of water, and watch your diet, acne can still show up unannounced.

If you’re looking for an effective body acne treatment, look for a product that has Hypochlorous acid, or HOCL. It works by removing the bacteria that live in our pores, clearing up acne and preventing future breakouts.

When you buy online, make sure to read customer reviews. Look for at least four-star reviews and a money-back guarantee.

Skip products that contain alcohol, which can lead to rashes and itchy skin.

If you see a dermatologist and you’re changing skincare products, let your doctor know before you make any major changes. New products might need time to work their magic, so give them at least six weeks before you start a new one.

5. Catch Some ZZZs

This next piece of advice will help you make your skin beautiful without any effort. Simply sleep more each night and take naps whenever possible.

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces less collagen and hyaluronic acid, two key components of glowing, healthy skin.

Ideally, you should get six to eight hours of sleep per day. If you look back over the past month, would you say that you’re sleep-deprived?

Some common signs of sleep deprivation include

  • chronic fatigue
  • trouble concentrating
  • body aches and pains
  • headaches
  • blurred vision.
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Sleeping is such a simple solution that we tend to overlook it, but it’s a safe and effective way to treat acne. Who knew that beauty sleep was a real thing?

How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally in One Day

Now that you know how to get glowing skin naturally, let’s speed up the process. What should you do if you have an important event or meeting but only 24 hours to prepare?

First, take a long bath in a combination of apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt. They will make your skin brighter and softer at the same time. Epsom salt is a great exfoliant, even on tough elbows.

Next, rub a few drops of olive oil onto your face, arms, and hands. Olive oil is a handy, last-minute moisturizer that you can use if you oversleep but still need to shine.

Before you go to sleep, put a light lotion on your feet and then a pair of socks. By the morning, you will feel brand-new.

Now that you know how to banish acne, check out the rest of our blog! We have life hacks on everything from fashion trends to gift ideas!