woman in bed with long hair

Did you know that on average, the normal person loses 100 pieces of hair each day?!

Keeping your scalp healthy and taking measures even while you sleep is important if you want to protect your hair.

Many people aren’t aware that their pillowcases and habits are contributing to hair loss, don’t let these problems affect you.

Scroll down to learn more about what you can do to prevent bed hair and get other nighttime ritual tips that will promote more restful sleep and improved health.

1. Update Your Pillowcases

There is a large debate going around for the best pillowcase and the finalists’ are silk vs satin materials.

Cotton and jersey material pillowcases can be harsh on hair, especially if it is already damaged. Silk and satin pillowcases are much easier on hair and help protect it by not absorbing all of the natural oils that your hair creates and needs.

2. Lose the Ponytail

One of the worst things that you can do to your hair while sleeping is leaving your hair tied up with a ponytail.

Ponytails often break and damage stands of hair, which can lead to split ends and kinks. Not only will your hair tie damage your hair, but it may also be a culprit of those terrible tension headaches that you wake up with.

If you want to keep your hair out of your face while sleeping, doing a loose braid is a much better option and will leave you with beautiful curls in the morning.

3. Avoid Going to Bed With Wet Hair

Many people aren’t aware but when your hair is wet, it is in its’ most vulnerable state and can easily be damaged.

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Wet hair can become frail and sleeping in it can lead to major damage. Try using a soft microfiber hair cloth to help dry your hair without damage, towels will lead to breakage.

If you don’t want to use a hair dryer or towel be sure to give yourself extra time between your shower and going to bed.

4. Use a Satin Head Wrap

If silk and satin pillowcases aren’t working well enough you can purchase a head wrap that will be sure to protect your hair all night long.

This is a great option if you are prone to getting split ends as well. If you are looking for something to preserve your hairstyle, this headwrap will also do the trick!

Those that struggle with extremely frizzy hair can benefit from the satin headwraps because it keeps in the oils and moisture that your hair needs.

5. Pamper Yourself With an Overnight Mask

Overnight face masks are extremely popular because of their results and convenience, and overnight hair masks produce the same effects!

If you are looking to fully hydrate your hair and protect it from more damage putting on an intensive mask can help leave your hair silky and healthy. You can do this type of treatment once or twice a month, depending on how damaged your hair is.

Don’t be afraid to try DIY hair masks as well if you want to use the most natural ingredients.

6. Brush Your Hair Before Bed

Going to bed with tangled hair is probably not the healthiest thing you can do.

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Brushing your hair before laying down can help prevent splitting hair or breaking off pieces. Not only will it help prevent damage but it will leave your hair soft and shiny in the morning, leaving you with minimal work to do!

Massaging your scalp is also recommended because it stimulates your hair follicles and encourages growth.

7. Take out Extensions

If you use hair extensions one of the most important things to do is take them out at night.

Leaving them overnight can lead to a tangled mess that can damage your own hair and the extensions. Taking them out will save you money in the long run, make your extensions last longer, and prevent damage to your hair.

Once your extensions are off, it is recommended to brush them and apply any treatment that you regularly use to maintain their look.

8. Take Time to Relax

Although this one may not directly affect your hair, being in a calm and relaxed mood will help your overall health, including your hair.

Stress can be difficult on your body, making hair growth almost impossible. Stress can also lead to hair loss if it is not properly treated. Taking a bath or reading before bed is a great way to calm down and get ready for bed.

Other Bedtime Rituals

Besides protecting yourself from bed hair, there are many other important nighttime rituals that you should do to promote better health and improve sleep.

Drinking warm tea before bed can be extremely relaxing if you have a habit of staying up all night. It is also important that you avoid watching TV or being on your phone or tablet right before bed, try reading a book or coloring instead!

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Many people claim that using lavender essential oils or taking a bath can help reduce inflammation, calm your body and mind, and even help with breathing at night!

Bed Hair That Will Make You Proud to Say You Woke Up Like This

Bed hair is often messy, tangled, and all over the place but by utilizing the tips above you can wake up feeling fresh and know that your hair was protected throughout the night.

Brushing your hair, using an overnight mask, and massaging your scalp are great ways to prevent your hair from being damaged. One of the most popular hair saving tricks right now is to use satin or silk pillowcases that help leave your hair nourished.

If you enjoyed reading this article be sure to keep browsing our blog for the latest skin and hair care needs!