
You hop up out of bed, get your dress on, take a look in the mirror and say UGH!

Sometime during the night, you transformed into a frog. Your skin is bumpy. Your eyes are puffy. Your hair is a mess.

There are many drastic measures you can take to remedy these issues.

But first! Try coffee.

Keep reading to discover coffee benefits for skin and beauty.

Smooth and Shine

Coffee and skincare go together like ebony and ivory.

Since the discovery of its benefits, coffee has been a staple at spas everywhere. These little beauties are used as a skin exfoliant. Ground and mixed with jojoba oil and dead sea salt, it polishes the skin. The mixture is super easy to make at home with what you have on hand.

Exfoliating removes dead skin and helps to clear clogged pores. Done 2-3 times a week, you will start to see smoother, softer skin. This can also help to fight the dreaded strawberry legs.


A good cup of coffee brightens your mood as well as your skin. When you look better you feel better. While you reach for your favorite Nespresso pod, don’t be afraid to get a little on your face.

Ok, just kidding.

Don’t put hot coffee on your face.

What you can do however is use coffee as a face mask. Coffee on skin stimulates blood flow and enlivens it. It can have great effects as a part of a natural skincare regimen.

Weight Loss Aid

Get your glow up by using coffee as a weight loss aid. Caffeine is a very effective workout supplement. It helps to improve clarity and burn fat faster.

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Love every stage of your weight loss journey to avoid becoming discouraged. Setting incremental goals will help you lose weight and keep the weight off. Exercise 4 days a week for weight loss and 3 days to maintain as a general rule.

Always speak to a doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for exercise.

Boost Hair Color

If you are a brilliant brunette, this tip is for you. A coffee rinse can take your hair from blah to “Ooh la la” in minutes.

Brewed coffee is ideal in this situation. Wait until it cools then pour it all over your hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes then rinse out.

Coffee will stain blond hair, towels, and shirts so keep that in mind.

Puff, Puff and Away

Last but certainly not least, coffee helps to reduce puffiness.

Puffiness is most prevalent in the morning due to the fluid that collects while we sleep. The foods and beverages we consume also contribute to general eye puffiness.

Though only temporary, caffeine constricts blood vessels under the eye to reduce puffiness. Caffeine is a common ingredient in eye creams.

Unlease the Coffee Benefits for Skin

It can brighten your day, tighten your gut, polish your skin. Is there anything coffee can’t do?

Scrub and buff that skin back to a healthy glow. A few days a week, use it as a facial mask and pre-workout aid. When you’re feeling a bit blah, splash it in your belly and in your hair.

For more strange beauty remedies like these coffee benefits for skin, click here.