Get the Perfect Face

Did you know that Americans spend $16.7 billion on cosmetic procedures? They spend this much because people wish to increase their facial harmony.

But what is facial harmony? In a simple term, it is all about having the ideal proportions for your face to look better.

Have you ever compared yourself in the mirror and thought you would look better with a smaller nose? This comparison is because of the concern about your facial harmony.

Now, how can you reach this goal? Stick with us and find out the four ways you can achieve facial harmonization.

1. Getting Fat Injection

Fat injection is generally known as fat grafting or as fat transfer. During this surgical procedure, there is a transferring fat from one area to another.

This procedure may not be permanent. It is also a less invasive option for those who fear having too many surgeries.

For this to work, you will need to have enough unwanted fat. Surgeons can take the fats from your thighs and buttocks.

2. Getting Rhinoplasty

The nose is the center of your face and the first thing most people notice on a person. Rhinoplasty means plastic or cosmetic surgery on your nose.

Start your facial harmonization by fixing the nose. Rhinoplasty corrects different problems one can have on their nose like:

  • Crooked nose
  • Small nose
  • Big nose
  • Flat nose
  • Broken nose cartilage

Make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions and stick with your appointments.

3. Getting Chin Augmentation

Sometimes after one facial harmony procedure, another is most likely done. In the case of getting rhinoplasty surgery, there are times that you will need to get a chin augmentation.

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For your nose to look more or less distinguished, surgeons perform a change to your chin. Moving the chin forward can make your nose less noticeable.

During the procedure, surgeons perform inside your mouth or beneath the chin. So for those who fear scars, there should be no scarring that would appear.

4. Getting Cheek Implants

When your goal is to have a golden ratio face, A way to get it is by cheek implants instead of using fat to lift your cheeks. They prefer cheek implants because most of the time, you are too skinny to get fat injections.

The implants are generally made from silicone and designed to fit any patient. The procedure will make opening your mouth difficult. So it is best to make sure you have enough downtime to recover.

Also, make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions when it comes to your recovery.

Achieve Facial Harmony Today

As cosmetic procedure improve, so does your chances of getting a perfect face. Getting cheek implants improves the youthful appearance of your face. Having a rhinoplasty improves your appearance and corrects your breathing problem.

Getting cosmetic surgery improves one part of the face. But to achieve facial harmony, you will need balance in all your surgeries.

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