Eco friendly kitchen

In many homes, the kitchen is the most popular area. In fact, Americans spend an average of 37 minutes in the kitchen each day.

It’s safe to say that much of this time involves cooking and cleaning. That means a number of appliances and materials get used each day.

It’s up to each of us to take measures to reduce our carbon footprint. However, many people don’t think of the kitchen as the place to make changes.

It turns out there are plenty of ways you can create an eco-friendly kitchen. Let’s go over ten useful tips.

1. Conserve Oven Heat

Cooking requires heat, but heat equals energy consumption. Fortunately, there are some ways to reduce the amount of energy your oven uses.

First, resist the urge to open your oven to check on baking foods. Each time you do this, your oven loses heat, making cooking times longer. Instead, always use the oven light and window to monitor foods.

You should also try to eliminate preheating when possible. For example, if you’re cooking a casserole or baked potato, just throw them in immediately and start the cooking process. These types of foods don’t require a preheated oven.

2. Eliminate Paper Towels

Sure, paper towels are convenient. But think about how much waste they produce.

Instead of reaching for a paper towel every time you have a spill to clean up, use kitchen cloths or towels. These are just as effective, if not more.

If you don’t want to have to wash your kitchen towels every other day, look for reusable kitchen cloths at the store. They’re great for cleaning up messes and only require you to ring them out.

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3. Energy-Efficient Appliances

When it’s time to replace a kitchen appliance, opt for a new energy-efficient model. They’re becoming commonplace.

Make sure you look for an Energy Star rating when choosing eco-friendly kitchen appliances. This ensures they’re energy efficient.

Dishwashers, refrigerators, ovens, and stoves all get Energy Star ratings if they’re energy efficient. If you have a large kitchen or run a small business, look into commercial garbage disposal alternatives.

When replacing an old appliance, check if your city offers a rebate problem. They may offer a small financial incentive and will dispose of the old model for you.

4. Buy Fresh Foods

When it comes to environmentally friendly cooking, fresh food is the way to go. Not only do they cut down on waste matter, but they’re also better for you.

When you buy fresh fruits and vegetables, they typically don’t come with any wrapping or plastic containers. This stuff just ends up in the trash anyway.

If you want to take it further, consider starting your own garden and growing herbs and vegetables. Cooking with these ingredients helps cut down on all the energy-burning resources involved in commercially produced foods.

5. Compost Your Kitchen Waste

If you cook on a regular basis, you know how many food scraps you throw away. Why not start disposing of them by composting? This allows materials to break down naturally for use as fertilizer.

If you don’t have enough space for a compost pile, think about investing in a stainless steel compost bin. You can even find compost buckets you can keep in your kitchen.

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Composting keeps organic material out of landfills and puts it back into the earth. If you don’t have a garden or yard to fertilize, you can give your compost material away or sell it.

6. Use Natural Cleaning Products

If you cook a lot, you clean a lot. Unfortunately, many household cleaners contain environmentally harmful chemicals.

Instead, start using natural, non-toxic cleaners and detergents. These are readily available in stores or online.

Another alternative is to make your own cleaning products. Vinegar and baking soda work great for cleaning sinks and appliances.

7. Consider Your Utensils

Do you have a drawer full of plastic cooking utensils and serving tools? Think about replacing them with wooden alternatives.

Furthermore, look for ones made of recycled wood. These are environmentally friendly and also have a more stylish look.

Instead of a plastic chopping board, use a wooden one. These actually help reduce the spread of bacteria.

You can also get bamboo utensils and kitchen accessories. These are much more eco-friendly than plastic and look great.

8. Use Your Leftovers Wisely

Ideally, you want to minimize waste by only cooking what you and your family will eat during that meal. However, in any kitchen, leftovers are inevitable.

You can do much more with leftovers than simply throwing them in a Tupperware container and hope someone eats them. Instead, turn them into something else.

For example, use leftover vegetables to create a new stew or soup. Or, turn roast chicken into chicken salad sandwiches.

9. Keep Your Refrigerator in Check

Your refrigerator accounts for a large amount of the energy used in your kitchen. It runs constantly, so you need to take measures to reduce its energy consumption.

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One way is to avoid putting hot leftovers in your refrigerator right away. This raises the temperature inside and forces it to work harder to stay cool.

You should also check the seal on your refrigerator on a regular basis to ensure no air is escaping.

10. Buy Organic When You Can

When you buy organic, you’re promoting environmentally friendly production techniques. Organic foods don’t contain the pesticides and chemicals other foods do.

When shopping, look for the USDA seal for organic foods. You may have to pay a little more, but you’re doing your part to help the environment.

Buying locally grown foods is also a great way to support eco-friendly agriculture. Visit local farmers markets and stock up for the week.

Start Creating Your Eco-Friendly Kitchen Today

The great thing about becoming environmentally conscious in your kitchen is your family will eat better while helping the world. Do your part and start conserving energy every day.

Use the ten tips above and make the transition to an eco-friendly kitchen in no time.

Read more articles on green living and start making changes today.