
Looking 25 until you’re 60. Boasting glowing, healthy skin no matter the day or time. Isn’t that the skincare dream?

You spend our hard-earned dollars (sometimes more than you’d like to admit…) on cosmetic products every year. All in the hopes of improving your skin health and slowing down the aging process.

But do you understand the pros and cons of YOUR skincare routine? Worried that your skincare routine isn’t actually helping your skin be healthy?

Here are a few tips on how to improve skin health through your skincare routine. Follow these “do’s and don’ts” for more confidence in your skin health.

DO’S to Improve Skin Health

DO know your skin type. What products and routines work for you totally depends on your skin type. Your skin type also explains why your skin looks the way it does.

Don’t know yours? Here’s an easy quiz to help. Most people fall under oily, dry, or normal.

You may even be different skin types depending on the day! Some dry-skin girls turn into oil slicks during menstruation, which is totally normal. The first step toward healthy skin is knowing your skin type.

DO double cleanse. This may seem excessive to you, but ONE cleanse generally just removes makeup and surface dirt. Your skin isn’t actually clean.

It’s best to first remove your makeup with a balm or an oil. Then go back in with a cleanser to clear out your pores. If you always wash your face but still have acne or blackheads, try doing a double cleanse at night!

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DO use a toner. “Toner” is a general word used for a light liquid applied to the skin after washing, before moisturizer.

Toners are meant to tighten the skin, provide an extra cleanse, and shrink the appearance of pores. Using a toner is usually essential for oily-skin or acne-prone people.

There are many different types of toner available. They serve all varieties of skin types and needs. Find one that suits you!

DO always moisturize. Ever wonder how some ladies avoid wrinkles way past age 50? It’s largely thanks to well-moisturized skin!

After you wash your face and apply a toner, your skin is in need of extra moisture. Especially at night. Be sure to smooth on a light moisturizer in the morning and a thick, creamy one at night.

Remember that your body needs moisturizer too! Apply a gorgeous body butter all over after showering.

Your skin will absorb the thick, creamy moisture while you sleep. You’ll never regret doing it!

DO use sunscreen, do use sunscreen, do use sunscreen! Should we repeat that again for those who still don’t think it applies to them? DO USE SUNSCREEN!

UV rays from the sun are the number one thing that ages your skin. And your face, neck, and hands get the brunt of it.

Ever noticed that a person’s neck is usually the first thing to give away their age? That’s thanks to the sun. You may want that dark tan, but is it worth premature aging?

Even on a cloudy day, UV rays still sneak through the overcast at full force. Wear SPF every single day for your own protection!

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Plenty of brands sell sunscreen, sunscreen moisturizer, and even makeup with SPF in it. Some of the physical sunblocks, others are chemical. Which one you want depends on your skin type and preference.

Wearing SPF doesn’t have to be a chore, make it an easy part of your everyday routine. It may seem useless now, but you’ll see the beautiful difference in 10 years!

DON’TS in Your Skincare Routine

DON’T overwash. It may seem contradictory to tell you NOT to wash your face too often. But over-washing can give you even more issues!

Your body produces oils and water to naturally balance out your skin. Yes, sometimes your skin needs help from a wash or a toner.

But if you scrub it TOO often, you risk stripping away the oils your skin needs! This leads to dryness, which actually causes more breakouts.

Many people with dry skin choose to opt out of a morning face wash. Instead, they simply rinse with water. This cuts down on excessive dryness.

DON’T worry if you can’t tell if a product or routine is helping your skin. Many people go through that. Usually it takes time, stick to it!

DON’T forget to wash your hands. Sure, you washed your face, but did you wash your germ-filled hands first?

It’s never a good idea to touch your face with unclean hands. You risk spreading bacteria to your face. These bacteria and germs can clog pores and irritate your skin.

Before touching your face at all, wash your hands with soap and water then dry them on a clean towel.

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DON’T pick at spots. This is the hardest one! How can you possibly leave a white head alone that’s staring you in the face?

How can you not go to town with your extractor after seeing your nose in a magnified mirror? We know it’s hard. But popping pimples and picking at spots actually makes them worse.

When you mess with a spot, you irritate the area, spread the bacteria, and even push the sebum further down into the skin. It’s just not worth it! Leave it alone and it will heal faster on its own.

Your Skincare Routine Should Work for YOU

With seemingly limitless options of skincare products, it’s difficult to know what products and routine will actually improve skin health. Your skin is so individual to YOU that what works for you might not work for anyone else.

Don’t get discouraged if the holy grail in someone else’s skincare routine didn’t make any difference for you. It just takes more education on your part and trial and error. That’s the real secret to YOUR perfect skincare routine!

If you want to improve your skin health naturally, apply these do’s and don’ts. You’ll waste less time and money and your skin will thank you!