
What if your chance at a promotion and a raise was dashed before you even left the house?

Being productive isn’t the only thing it takes to succeed in your career. You also must look professional and stylish.

Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to look professional. And this can end up costing them many opportunities throughout their career!

The good news is that this stops now. Keep reading to learn all about how to look more professional and stylish at work!

Art of the Slip-On

Did you think looking professional meant being uncomfortable? Think again!

For example, many people think of slip-on shoes as being a little too casual. And it’s true that things like Crocs are never going to win any fashion awards.

But there are a variety of slip-on shoes (such as loafers) that look great with any outfit. Moreover, they are comfortable and save you time because you never need to tie them.

The shoe is a good introduction to the world of becoming more stylish. It’s all about balancing fashion and function.

Explore the Dress Code

This may be obvious, but we’ll go ahead and say it: you need to understand your company dress code.

There are some places where anything short of a suit looks out of place. And there are plenty of places where a suit would be overkill for anyone but the boss.

Once you know the dress code, you can start working within the boundaries. Does your employer allow jeans? Some form-fitting dark denim will blend casual and chic in a way that is also really comfortable.

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An easy tip is to look at how your coworkers dress and find subtle ways to dress a little bit fancier than them. You’ll stand out without looking like you’re trying, and that’s a key to looking effortlessly fashionable.

Bigger Isn’t Better

For men and women alike, accessories are a major key to looking stylish and fashionable. However, it’s easy to go wrong when picking accessories.

The rule of thumb is that your accessories should be modest in both appearance and size. And there are two main reasons for this.

First, giant accessories make you stand out in a bad way. You look more like you’re headed to the club than headed to work.

Second, they get in the way of your job. It’s tough to be, say, a pharmacy technician (more about that here) if things like giant rings keep you from typing on a computer.

Blazers Are Key

Our favorite workplace fashion advice is the kind that works outside of work, too. Here’s some great advice: you need to have some stylish blazers.

The simple reason is that blazers can make almost any look appear more dressy without going overboard. Even someone wearing a t-shirt and jeans looks much more put-together once they pop on a blazer.

A good blazer can keep you warm when it’s a little cold outside. And it will look just as good when you go on a date after work as it did when you were working in the office!

Take Care of the Hair

So far, we’ve focused mostly on fashion. But a key part of your appearance is, of course, your hair.

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Whatever level of care you currently give your hair, we recommend taking it up a notch. That means finding a style that suits your face and investing in the gels, pomades, and other products to keep it in place.

And no matter what, make sure you aren’t rolling up to work with wet hair. One reason for this is that it can (and will) dry unexpectedly, which can throw your entire aesthetic off.

Don’t forget that wet hair also sends a message to your employer and coworkers. It makes it look like you are frazzled and distracted, and that’s a really bad look at your job!

Classic Colors

You may have heard that colors are the key to looking fashionable. This is true, but it’s important that you pick the right colors.

For example, truly wild colors and patterns will make you stand out in a bad way. This is college professors end up being mistaken for their own students!

Our advice is to stick with the classics. Blue, gray, and black are the classic colors that make you look solid, trustworthy, and serious.

If you want to add more color, we recommend a solid red. It makes you look bold and aggressive without looking distracting.

The Mix and Match

Think all of this sounds like too much trouble? We recommend getting in the habit of “fashion roulette.”

Basically, you start by identifying how many categories of clothes you typically wear. This may include pants, shirts, blazers, and accessories.

You try to build a special work wardrobe in which everything basically goes with everything else. So, your white button-down shirt will work equally well with blue jeans and khakis as it does with a navy blazer or a black hoodie.

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Hence, “fashion roulette.” You can intentionally wear a different combo each day or simply spin the wheel and end up looking stylish.

“Watch” Out

The chances are high that you’ve ditched wearing a watch. For many people, a watch seems unnecessary since you have the time (and everything else) on your cellphone.

However, the watch is actually the accessory that most people notice about you. And wearing a watch sends some important messages to everyone.

First, wearing a watch at all shows that you are focused and task-oriented. You seem like someone who needs the time at a moment’s notice.

Second, the type of watch is important. A fancy and expensive watch shows that you are confident and accomplished. Meanwhile, a smart watch shows that you are tech-savvy and focused on fitness.

How to Look Professional: The Bottom Line

Now you’ve learned more about how to look professional. But do you know where you can get some more hot fashion tips?

Here at StyleWardrobe, we have the tips you need to stay chic and fashion-forward. For more awesome ideas, check out our outfit ideas today!